ram or case


Limp Gawd
Mar 6, 2007
I am getting a geforce 7600gs video card and Thermaltake all in on cooler for around $75.
I am also looking into upgrading my ram or case. Right now I have 512mb ram I was thinking of putting a 1gig stick in. But I was also looking at getting a case. I can't decide on a case or more ram. Right now I have a crappy old case with upgraded stuff in it. I am wondering what you guys think. I am looking at the ram for performance and the case for more room and
easier upgrades and cooling. So which one a case or more ram?:confused: :eek: :D
brief specs of my computer
pentium d 805 2.66ghz
512ram (duh) lol;) :D
120gigs hdd
I'd go with the RAM. You'll see better performance.
I'll make a suggestion


I bought this case and it's awesome :) Nuff said.

Okay! Now.. if you have 512mb of memory and you are thinking of still running windows xp then leave it alone. If you dont play games and just surf the web etc. That's all you need for now.

Then save the extra cash for a K8L upgrade or a quad core refresh in the next 3- 6 months and you'll be satisfied.
I need ddr ram. And my case I am using is from an old emachine computer I had.
Okay after hearing what case you have stuff in.
Plan for future upgrades. Get yourself a nice large case
if your planning to go all out in the future.
ok once I get my new video card and the water cooler and overclock it I will see how bf2142 runs and if it runs well I will go for the case if it doesn't I will go for ram.
I'm not using any of the of the emachines part besides the case. I am using a pcchip motherboard that I got in with my Pentium D 805.
Ouch, if you want to run new games / battefield your going to need another 1.5 gigs of ram.
I would consider saving as much money as you can and going dual core
I am running dual core Pentium d = dual core lol but yea I know what you meant (core 2 duo) so should I go for the ram then?
Yes thats what i meant :p

Well it depends on what your plans are for future upgrading?
Clue me in on that a little bit and I can definately give you better advice.

So whats the video card?

Trust me i'd get the 1 gig stick of ram right away if that's your plans to use the system for the next 6 months without upgrading. If you plan to upgrade in the near future I would then go ahead and save the additional money right away and buy a new case to put the components in.
nm you said 7600 gs

that's what i have atm, i will be selling mine to go 8 series next month.

Well... it looksl ike you want to use your system for as long as possible with that upgrade, because next time you upgrade your probably going to have to get all new components.

I would then suggest getting the 1.5 gigs of ram.

Then next upgrade get

Power Supply
Ram - DDR2 800 MHZ Plus probably 1100 mhz on up. DDR3 is going to be coming into the main stream soon.

So im cautious about not buying to much ram so I can sell my platform and go AM3 without incurring too large of a loss. Well either AM3 or intel's next flavor whichever one makes the bank account more happy.
Well I am planning on doing a building a complete new system after the r600 and new amd chips come out just to see how they compare to the nvidia 8800 and or 8950 also the core 2 duos and if I do upgrade I am going to be giving this computer to a friend. I don't mind spending the money now I just want to make a good investment so I think I am going to go with the ram.
Exactly your doing the same thing I am.

The only problem is that the market is about to turn like you said.

There's so many new things coming out
Okay after hearing what case you have stuff in.
Plan for future upgrades. Get yourself a nice large case
if your planning to go all out in the future.


I'd stay with the RAM and upgrade the case, lol. You'll probably notice cooler running components also.
Well really if I get a new case I don't think it will lower my temperatures more than 5 degrees. And right now I am running around 45-48 idle temperatures and on load it never goes above 60
and this is coming for a pentium d which run HOT
True. If you plan on upgrading in the future, spring for a new case now and get the parts that will make the best fit for it. ie the heatsink and PSU.