RAM speed vs latency. Which one is faster (average FPS & 1% lows) for gaming?


Jul 24, 2021
So if a 7200 C34 kit (9.44 ns)is a fraction of a nano second faster than a 7600 C36 kit 9.47 ne) how/why does the 7600 kit outperform the 7200 kit during gaming even though the 7200 kit is C32 and the 7600 kit is C36?

What is the formula to having the fastest gaming RAM? Considering the CPU and GPU are the same.

I'm running a 6400 C32 kit that is exactly 10 ns in comparison.

A nanosecond (ns) is an SI unit of time equal to one billionth of a second.

So if one billionth of a second is so tiny of a difference is that why MHz almost always makes game run higher FPS because games are more frequency dependant?

Then why do you see comments about latency matters more for games? When higher MHz almost always results in better FPS?
Then why do you see comments about latency matters more for games? When higher MHz almost always results in better FPS?
It can depend of cpu-game, some cpu-game combo can take advantage of the higher bandwith of the faster running ram, for some cpu it can stop to be able to take advantage at a certain point (more-better cache making bandwith less relevant or less ability to use the bandwith).

I am not sure there a strong truth, it will change platform to platform and game to game (outside the more obvious, rarely hurt to have more bandwith and smaller in ns latency all around the board at the same time)

Has for the 7200 C34 possibly beating a 7600 C36, one kit offer what 5.555% more bandwith for only 0.3% more latency, we can imagine being in some scenario a good tradeoff for some game engine-cpu and we are only looking at the first word of a specific timing, not all of them.