Random Question about WAR

Aug 30, 2004
I'm not an MMO player at all, but I always poke around to see what the various universes are set in. I've always liked Warhammer for the most part. I haven't played the board games, but I've read some of the novels.

Anyways. I've been wondering since WAR came out why in the world they didn't use the 40k universe. The one they stuck with is virtually no different than WoW and every other fantasy MMO....I always thought that the 40k universe would've been a breath of fresh air.

Rotating chainsaws and lasers always go well together. :D
Someone else was putting together the MMO and either couldn't get it done or didn't get the job done in time. Then Mythic picked it up and finished it off. I'm pretty sure they started from scratch, but since it's a licensed product, I'm sure they had strict guidelines to follow.

Like all MMOs, it has similariites. However, I feel that WAR has it's own personaltiy. It's a fun game. The reason I don't play anymore is that I just don't play MMOs. I went back to console gaming.
A 40k MMO has the potential to be awesome. They just have to base it off this. The classes are already there and the background fluff is awesome. Its like making a D&D mmo, in theory the game is already written for you, just have to correctly implement.
A 40k MMO would be awsome, i always liked the 40k universe mroe than the fantasy one
Come on you know that 40k mmo is like a russian roulette.
If they will make it right then it will be the first mmo I will pay for monthly, and I don't even like mmos.
It could be like the best mmo ever(it's obvious cause 40k is the most awesome franchise ever) but that's unlikly and in about 2 years anyway, so you should lower your expectations imo.