Random Raptor Corruption


Jun 10, 2002
OS - XP SP 2 all updates installed
1 - 150 GB Raptor
1 - 500 GB
2 - 8800 GTX SLI OC
QX6700 OC
PSU - Toughpower 1200

First a little background:
This is my second raptor after my first one died after two weeks of use. I installed XP on the 500GB drive while I was waiting for Western Digital to ship my Raptor replacement. The new raptor has been in place for several months as the boot drive and it has run without issue. Lately, I have been getting the following error message:

“Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
<Windows Root>\ system 32\hal.dll
Please reinstall a copy of the above file.”

Since I still have a copy of XP on the 500GB drive I usually reboot using it. I can defragment the Raptor, using a copy of Perfect Disk and this usually solves the problem for a period of time. I do not know why this should work because I use Perfect Disk with the stealth defrag on a daily basis. I have run WD’s diagnostics and the drive passes every time. The problem is random with no pattern I can discern. I would appreciate any advice on this issue. Thanks in advance.
Have you tried the official MS resolutions?

Have you tried not using Perfect Disc everyday?

The last time I saw this repeatedly on the same machine, it was the HDD failing.

Good Luck!
If you're overclocking your system, you may want to check your settings. I had HDD failure issues when my PCI-E frequency was set too high, but those were resolved by dropping the setting back below 115.

Good luck!
I'd say there are 2 (probable) reasons this could happen -
1. Your HDD is failing
2. You're running your HDD out of spec. I haven't fooled with overclocking in quite some time, but I do know if the system bus speed is not "locked" (or at least close to spec) for your HDD and peripherals this may happen. Check your BIOS settings and see if this is the case.