Random Shutdowns


Limp Gawd
Nov 6, 2007
Recent problem, only happens after I'm grinding out a video game for 30 minutes or more... otherwise stable even with typical computing / some minor strain (photoshop + word + winamp + xfire + aim).

but consistently, after a while of gaming it shuts down.

First off, would this be power supply or motherboard? There is no BSOD, it does not reboot...just straight shuts down.

Specs: ePower 500w, gigabyte 965p-ds3, e6530, radeon 4850, 2 250gb WD drives, 2gb of gSkill pc800. overclocked to 3.0, tested stable under p95 with 2 instances back when originally set.

If you are pretty certain it is the power supply...what are some recommendations? (newegg links would be great!). I would prefer something quiet as can be, preferably no lights, and over the 80% efficiency but no big on that one.

Is the newsletter deal on this a good buy (90 and 50 after MIR) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817341019&nm_mc=EMC-IGNEFL012009&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL012009-_-PowerSupplies-_-LI3A-_-17341019 (again, if it is 90% or more likely the PSU)

Any help is greatly appreciated! Dont wanna put this off too long - I lost alot of expensive parts last time a PSU went :( lol
Thanks for the reply...sadly I got rid of my spare hardware to test with...I may be able to chase some down through a friend or something though.

That is the power supply I have...I see some dead after 1 yr to 18 months....my rig is about 15 months old...so I'd say this seems pretty plausible.

Thank you for the BFG link...I've never bought something from them before - pretty reliable? I've heard largely good things about them in the video card market - wasn't aware they started making PSU's.

Any equivalent in quality recommendations from anyone else that would be a bit cheaper? The shipping makes that BFG a bit hard to swallow - but if its the best for the buck I'll go for it anyway.

Thanks again Zero82z and anyone else who replies!
Any equivalent in quality recommendations from anyone else that would be a bit cheaper? The shipping makes that BFG a bit hard to swallow - but if its the best for the buck I'll go for it anyway.

If you're willing to buy from a different site, you can get that PSU for almost $20 cheaper:
BFG Tech LS-550 550W PSU - $62

The BFG LS-550 is totally worth it at $80. So at $62, it's a steal!
Thank you for the BFG link...I've never bought something from them before - pretty reliable? I've heard largely good things about them in the video card market - wasn't aware they started making PSU's.
The LS-550 is an excellent PSU: http://www.hardocp.com/article.html?art=MTUxNCw4LCxoZW50aHVzaWFzdA==
Any equivalent in quality recommendations from anyone else that would be a bit cheaper? The shipping makes that BFG a bit hard to swallow - but if its the best for the buck I'll go for it anyway.
It is one of the best deals. However, there is also this Antec Neopower 550W: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817103941
It's an excellent Seasonic-built PSU, and has free shipping and no warranty to deal with either. I would actually go with this one if I were in your position (I wasn't aware of the deal when I suggested the BFG unit earlier). The BFG is still better though.

The Antec Earthwatts 430W is also a good choice, although not as good as the other two: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371006
Thank you for the help guys. I ended up going with the Antec - as much as I wanted to try out the BFG based on what you're saying...the difference up front (little as it was) couldn't swing this week. I appreciate the link to the other site, but time is of the essence, so I'll take my "next day" newegg shipping for free on this one haha.

Plus - I've had good luck with Antec in the past. Heres to hoping its the fix... lol
Thank you for the help guys. I ended up going with the Antec - as much as I wanted to try out the BFG based on what you're saying...the difference up front (little as it was) couldn't swing this week. I appreciate the link to the other site, but time is of the essence, so I'll take my "next day" newegg shipping for free on this one haha.

Plus - I've had good luck with Antec in the past. Heres to hoping its the fix... lol

Have you removed the heatsink from your CPU to ensure that you have
a good application of thermal interface material between the two?

Most motherboards I've used over the past few years have fail-safes
built in to the BIOS to have them re-boot/shut-down depending on temps ...

It also occurs to me that it could be your video card, or a driver conflict issue.

If it were me, I would do a new format of Windows before I bought a PSU on the chance ...

My two cents, hope it all works out for you :cool:
Have you removed the heatsink from your CPU to ensure that you have
a good application of thermal interface material between the two?

Most motherboards I've used over the past few years have fail-safes
built in to the BIOS to have them re-boot/shut-down depending on temps ...

It also occurs to me that it could be your video card, or a driver conflict issue.

If it were me, I would do a new format of Windows before I bought a PSU on the chance ...

My two cents, hope it all works out for you :cool:

My first thoughts were these points....but my temperatures across the system have been fine each time I rebooted and checked in BIOS (so unless its a strictly motherboard problem, it shouldnt be of concern).

I'm always very lazy with drivers updates, and havent changed any drivers since I initially installed windows last lol. I've been able to play hours on end of COD4, conquer COD5 SP, ad beat Crysis Warhead without a hiccup. Again, without any change to drivers of any type - the problem has suddenly showed up in 2 of those games that werent a problem before.

I suppose that the video card itself could be the ailment...but that would be especially sad since its only about 3 months old :( lol

I did however already order - so I'll post back on results!
power supply did not fix the problem...

heres to more indepth testing and hoping it isnt a motherboard! lol

Thanks for all the thoughts despite!