raptor dead?


Oct 9, 2002
I think my 74 gig raptor is giving me problems, freezing in windows, won't boot...etc. I recently swapped out a PSU that was giving me problems and it might have damaged some components.

I erased my winxp partition on it and am reformatting, but it's is taking forever, 30+ minutes on NTFS format (not quick speed), unless there is some other component at fault, you guys think she's toast?

I've had this drive since 2004, but it has only seen 5 years of use. Thoughts?
Could be dead. Remember that Age and usage does not always mean a drive will run or fail. A drive can die on the first day you turn it on or 7 years later and any where in between regardless if you use it 24/7 or 1 day per year.

I would take a look at the SMART info with a program like CrystalDiskInfo.
OK, been formatting for over 2 hours, stuck on 31%, I figure it done.
You could have hit an area of the disk that is not readable (or writeable) and the drive keeps trying to recover. You still may be able to use the drive (if this is the case and you partition around the unreadable parts) however I would not have any trust in it.
I'd say 50% of my raptors lasted that long, the other 50% I rma'd right before the warranty ended as they started clicking, and working much slower.

I've migrated to SSD, and WD Blacks now though.. my old/new raptors are sitting, no one wants to buy a 74gb drive LOL :rolleyes:
I need a new drive but don't want to spend the coin on one, if I do I hear deskstars are really reliable, heck my system is still on sata 1 and I'm not going to be able to build a new system any time soon.
This sounds like what happened to my drive. Two minutes in after a cold or warm boot, my system would lock up.

I'm now running on an PATA Seagate drive and using that Raptor for storage. Of course I'm not putting any important files on the Raptor since it can die any moment but for the time being, it still works.

I'm still running on a socket 754 platform. :eek:
Well after a hiatus :rolleyes: I found my data lifeguard diskettes (almost unusable, shows up in reverse monochrome display :mad: ) and I figure what may have been the problem with formatting the harddrive was I didn't include the nvidia drivers (via F6).
Although instead of displaying a 74xxx partition, it shows up as 70xxx, so maybe there were some bad sectors. Windows xp installed without a hitch, I'm gonna download the windows version of data lifeguard and see what comes up.
omg. My WD Raptor X 150GB is recently giving me problems too! I bought it in 2007 when I built my computer.

I was trying to load my Starcraft II earlier and it wouldn't start a game and it would crash my sc2. I then later received a message from windows 7 saying how the harddrive is corrupted and that I need to backup my files asap.

This is so sad :(

I'm currently googling and researching on what new gaming HDD to invest into. I'm thinking about getting my first SSD.