Rash of Intel, AMD Warnings Issued by Analysts

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
It looks as though analysts across the country are predicting doom and gloom for Intel, AMD and the rest of the PC industry. Sadly, you and I both know that when analyst start the whole doomsayer routine, it causes the market to panic. The impact of wide spread panic causes a ripple effect that spreads like wildfire and you end up with a self fulfilling prophecy. Yay! We’re all doomed!

Market researcher IDC is equally pessimistic. "The supply chain is telling us that there is strong concern for demand decline," according to Shane Rau, an analyst at IDC. He is cutting his processor forecast "probably into the low to mid single digits on a unit basis for total PC processor growth in the year 2009."
Forecast of low growth is doom and gloom? Well, it's better than decline.
Yeah... unless they think that silly semiconductor fad is going out of fashion any time soon, I think Intel and AMD will be fine.
I can predict the future now!

Next few weeks - Intel down %5, AMD down 15%
Few weeks after - Intel up 10%, AMD up 2%


Good ol' emotional investors

I wonder if they have a hotline or a support group?
Or at least convict them for economic sabotage and terrorism.I think a large part of the current "crisis" has been manufactured by people like this.

You're absolutely 100 and 52 freaking percent correct.

It's all about perception. If people perceive the economy as good, they spend more, and go into debt more .... not always a good thing. When people perceive the economy as being weak, they will spend less, and there will be less interchange of money. And economic health is not just based on how much money is in the economy at any given time, but how quickly it circulates around and changes hands. Anyhoo ... people are scared, more than they should be, so they're spending less and helping that whole "self-fulfilling prophecy" thing move right along.
Or at least convict them for economic sabotage and terrorism.I think a large part of the current "crisis" has been manufactured by people like this.

true true..

its just freaking ridiculous to think that growth of computers is going to decline... computers aren't like toilets, have 2 and thats more than you need... i live by myself and i have 4 fully functional pcs... and people are becoming more and more like me tech wise...

on the decline... i dunno... have the heard of china? india? etc.. retards...

need some serious charges... and tack kiddie porn onto their rap sheet so they get raped in jail...
Give people a reason to upgrade and they will.

Better software, more features, smaller footprint, etc. etc.
Many don't have ratings, and that rating only looks at one aspect that can change right before earnings are announced. It doesn't measure the bad advice they give between earnings announcements.

Then maybe you should have been more specific about what you wished for. I can only grant so much...