Ratpadz... Good?

Oct 23, 2006
Hi, I was considering a new mouse pad to replace this old dollar store one I have. Recently there's been a lot of buzz about the ratpadz. So the other day, I saw one in my local computer store, and I'm considering it. So my question is if the ratpadz is good for games and also for graphics work? And it's made by Hardocp, right?

PS: I'm currently running my pc with a basic MS optical mouse, but the mouse I will use with a mouse pad is a Razer Diamondback.
apparently the XT is pretty killer, i may try to get ym friends to throw 25 into my paypal so i can get one to go with my diamondback :D

if you can, got for the XT, as its solid, i think the GS is "hollow" so to speak
The XT looks exactly the same as the orginal ratpadz. If so, then I'd so go for it. You will <3 it. I still have the one I bought in 2001 or 2002, I don't quite remember, and it's held up quite well, although my little brother uses it now. I may buy one to replace my current pad (not a ratpadz, don't hurt me kyle) just gotta make room on the desk :p. Oh, and Pledge ftw.
I have the new Ratpadz XT and so far its very nice. The teflon feet on my G7 make for a very slick movement.
jakuum said:
The XT looks exactly the same as the orginal ratpadz. If so, then I'd so go for it. You will <3 it. I still have the one I bought in 2001 or 2002, I don't quite remember, and it's held up quite well, although my little brother uses it now. I may buy one to replace my current pad (not a ratpadz, don't hurt me kyle) just gotta make room on the desk :p. Oh, and Pledge ftw.

The Ratpadz XT is newest version of the orginal Ratpadz. We have made improvements in the surface texture and the plastic itself.
I bought an 'original' (I think) Ratzpadz in '01. It is still my favorite surface. Over the past 5 years, it has eaten at least 2 sets of mouse feet.
jakuum said:
Hmm, interesting. I may definitely have to give it a try then.

Buy an XT, give it a try for a week or so, if you dont like it, we will take it back as long as it is not damaged.

And I say this because I have to about the damage. I have had people want to return them and it looked like they road-surfed on the things.....which works pretty well actually, but we do not advise it. :)
Thanks for the support jakuum. Your order will surely ship today.
0mega said:
pics or shens kyle, pics or shens.

tell me how it is when you get it :D (ill trust forums over review sites for a mousepad, jsut because i can talk to the people :p )

Sorry we chuck them out.

As for hardware websites and forums, I think they both need each other for sure. The forums are no doubt a wealthy of knowledge...and total crap...just have to learn to figure out which is which.
oh Mr. Great Editor, have you ever considered adding those fancy
foamy tempor wrist pads at the bottom of the Ratpadz or more long
lasting comfort in everyday usage or usage by gaming addicts and
hardcore gamers? :D
I have a ratzpad XT and a razor exactmat. I must say that while the ratzpad is good and better than 95% of the others out there, it is no match for the Razor Exactmat. The razor is just so much better as a mouse surfact and has 2 sides (control and speed) which are perfect for games and art/design.
Zxcs said:
I have a ratzpad XT and a razor exactmat. I must say that while the ratzpad is good and better than 95% of the others out there, it is no match for the Razor Exactmat. The razor is just so much better as a mouse surfact and has 2 sides (control and speed) which are perfect for games and art/design.

Eh, if the ratzpads costs $10 more, I bet they could make as good or even better than
Exactmat! :p
Ratzpads is around $20 with out shipping.
Exactmat is around $30 with out shipping.

But I do like their wristpads :)
Just don't like their price :p
I just got my XT the other day, and I really like it. My only problem with it is the size, it is a little small for my taste. I'm sure I'll get used to it, I have just really become acustomed to a gigantic pad, as I have been using those huge cloth ones for years.
It's really, really smooth.
topaimz said:
oh Mr. Great Editor, have you ever considered adding those fancy
foamy tempor wrist pads at the bottom of the Ratpadz or more long
lasting comfort in everyday usage or usage by gaming addicts and
hardcore gamers? :D

Yes, we will have a bundle sometime this year. I found a supplier last June for them, just need to get the main portion of the business rolling to measure the demand then start bringing on the accessories.
digital_exhaust said:
I just got my XT the other day, and I really like it. My only problem with it is the size, it is a little small for my taste. I'm sure I'll get used to it, I have just really become acustomed to a gigantic pad, as I have been using those huge cloth ones for years.
It's really, really smooth.

Funny thing is, when we introduced the orginal Ratpadz, it was the biggest on the market. :) We will likely add a bigger surface this next year as we know there are some folks that want more room. The current size of the pad was configured on what we could fit into a Priorty Mail flat rate envelope. Keeping shipping cheap on a low cost product is essential. Hard to sell a $20 pad when the shipping is $10.
Hey, haven't you heard you're supposed to design these things NOT to last? How do you expect to keep selling them? Jeez... ;)
I have a ratpadz XT (Hardforum secret santa gift) and I absolutely love it. It replaced my Func F30.R textured 17x11 mouse pad.
SeetheSeer said:
Hey, haven't you heard you're supposed to design these things NOT to last? How do you expect to keep selling them? Jeez... ;)

LOL, this isn't Dell you know... ;)