Ratpadz - shipping is still FREE!

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After INTENSE testing with my Logitech MX500 optical mouse I have determined that HardOCP's advertising is misleading - almost a perfect bait and switch.
Sure they say anyone who buys a ratpad can return it PAID for - except it's a frigging scientific IMPOSSIBILITY that anyone would return it! This mousepad is better than any other mousepad I've ever owned. WTF Kyle? These things are worthy of Alexander Graham Bellian accolades.
I just glide my mouse (slide is too "rough" of a term) to where I want it. your pad removes ALL the resistance. Your pad keeps my mouse happy and functional. Your pad improved my gaming experience. It is worth far more than the meager amount you are charging
^ Agreed!

Last week I got some new mouse feet for my aging MX700 and let me tell you, it's like mousing on ice. It just glides and moves with little resistance, so much so that it actually took a day or two to get used to it!
Pulled the trigger on a replacement... I wore my GS out and haven't repalced it ... looking forward to the XT :)

got my xt and love it. I call it my little cutting board thouhg...it is pretty much a cutting board. Makes sniping and everyday use s much more fun
I got my ratpadz xt around the first of the year, so I've had it in use for over three months now. It is much nicer than my desktop, which was good enough for a while considering it is an industrial work desk with a polished laminate top. I use a logitech mx1000 laser mouse, and it glides quite effortlessly, however it is not like black ice so much that if you let the mouse go it will fly off - this is a plus. I haven't clocked in much gaming with it since I'm in the process of building a new pc and this one just doesn't hold up anymore - but what I have done is a good deal of autocad work. 3d work is a breeze, and the surface allows a level of precision that I just don't see getting much better. Plenty big enough, and looks just like new. You may wonder at first if it was really worth the $20 (I'm quite the cheap bastard), but after a while you will know the difference when you use someone else's mouse, or if you put your mouse back on the desk. Highly recommended.
is this mousepad smoother than the func f-30r or the func 1030 archetype (rough side)?
i've heard a some reviewers complain about how the mousepad surface is sometimes too rough and it chafes their wrists. has anyone else had this problem?
how thick is this mousepad? my func f-30r is .1"

is that "if you don't like it we will refund u the price + return shipping" guarantee for real?
will there really be no hard feelings if i buy this and i return it?
is this mousepad smoother than the func f-30r or the func 1030 archetype (rough side)?
i've heard a some reviewers complain about how the mousepad surface is sometimes too rough and it chafes their wrists. has anyone else had this problem?
how thick is this mousepad? my func f-30r is .1"

is that "if you don't like it we will refund u the price + return shipping" guarantee for real?
will there really be no hard feelings if i buy this and i return it?
I have both the func f-30r and 1030 Archetype. I would say the Ratpadz XT is smoother than the f-30r but not as smooth as the 1030 Archetype. Personally, the XT doesn't chafe my wrist, but that's just me. Also, ain't no way in hell the f-30r is 1" thick. More like 1mm thick, and the XT is much thicker, it's .25" thick.
Ratpadz XT is .25" thick. Yes, the surface texture was specified with your wrist in mind. :)
is that "if you don't like it we will refund u the price + return shipping" guarantee for real?
will there really be no hard feelings if i buy this and i return it?

No hard feelings at all bro. I think we have exchanged maybe 5 total this year back to folks that did not like them. We will refund you the price of the pad plus USPS Priority Flat Rate Envelope shipping back to us.
I got my XT last night and OH BOY, it feels like buttah!
I'm all vaclempt about it.

But, in all seriousness, this is one fine mousepad.
I just got my XT in Germany all the way from the US. It feels great and smooth. :D

People said that the texture is what makes it so smooth but I think that it is actually the material used. If I'm not mistaken, it is probably made of Teflon (PTFE), the stuff on the non-stick frying pan. Not only it is strong, it has a low friction and it is also heat resistance (more than 200C).
I would be really surprised if the material used in the XT is in fact Teflon.

Reason being that my mouse uses Teflon feet, and they get ground down pretty regularly by my XT (I need to replace them every 4 months or so). So I assume that whatever material it is, it has to some sort of plastic that's tougher/harder than Teflon.
I just got my XT in Germany all the way from the US. It feels great and smooth. :D

People said that the texture is what makes it so smooth but I think that it is actually the material used. If I'm not mistaken, it is probably made of Teflon (PTFE), the stuff on the non-stick frying pan. Not only it is strong, it has a low friction and it is also heat resistance (more than 200C).

The plastic used is a specially formulated Hi Density Polyethelene or HDPE. We have looked into PTFE but getting it done with a texture is next to impossible. I also spent about a year looking to build them out of Ultra Hi Molecular Weight Polyethelene or UHMW, but that did not pan out either. UHMW is actually a better choice in my opinion, so if you know anyone that works a lot with the stuff, drop them my name. I would love to do a new project with UHMW. (Yeah, I used to work in the plastics business before I did tech stuff.)
This might be a dumb question but what orientation in mind was it designed with?

I originally had mine with the curved side down facing me but it just didn't feel right. Now I rotated it so the curved side is to the left facing the keyboard and it's not bad. Just curious how other people are using it.

Also, is there a good wrist pad that works with the shape of if? Maybe it's a good time to get away from using them but I feel so naked without one after all these years.
I'm also using it the exact same way you have it, Crimson (rotated vertically, with the cutout facing the keyboard). Mainly because I prefer to lean my wrist against the same surface my mouse is on. So it feels unnatural to use a gel wrist rest (too much "lift"), or to rest my hand on my desk under the curved cutout.
Kyle-- I just put in my order, and i sent the in the wrong address. After i received the confirmation e-mail, i replied with my correct information, and some possible solutions. Just wanted to inform you here, so you could ensure that it is properly taken care of. Thanks! 1st ratpad, hoping to be impressed! :)

Kyle-- I just put in my order, and i sent the in the wrong address. After i received the confirmation e-mail, i replied with my correct information, and some possible solutions. Just wanted to inform you here, so you could ensure that it is properly taken care of. Thanks! 1st ratpad, hoping to be impressed! :)


You will need to put that information into this form.


I am 110 miles from your Ratpadz....
Does anyone have any pictures of a good wrist rest with the ratpadz? I just picked up an XT and I love the speed, but my wrist is getting really sore.

I've seen gel rests, bead rests, memory foam rests, etc, but which one fits the XT the best?

thanks so much,

Lol I bought this 6 months back an XT that is. The feet on the bottom of the pad fell off and I contacted them and they were awesome enough to offer me new feet if I sent them a self addressed envelope.
Just got mine today. I bought the XT model to replace my badly worn Func1030 and I'm loving it so far.
You people go on and on like "the XT will make the opposite sex want you" and "the XT is better than ninjas"

...well fine. Count me in for two.
Yes, I know. That's a great return policy. But I don't want to return it for such a small defect. I really have no problem with using it side ways.

I just wanted to know if other people have had this issue to see if it's common or not, as this would influence in my decision of continuing to buy this pad or not.

As is noted through hundreds of posts and you mentioning this for weeks, no the defect in your pad is not common.

Given though that you have been complaining about your Ratpadz XT for weeks now, just email me your Paypal receipt and I will fully refund your money and you can do whatever you want with the pad. Yes, that is how much I want our customers to me happy.
You people go on and on like "the XT will make the opposite sex want you" and "the XT is better than ninjas"

...well fine. Count me in for two.
I don't know if it will get you laid, but you could probably chop off a ninja head with the thing if used "correctly!' ;)
My GS (the cheaper $10 one) just came in today, and combined with the logitech G9 mouse... it's a huge upgrade from my regular cloth mouse pad- metaphorically speaking... it's like a ferrari driving on a nascar speedway. :D
Got mine a few weeks ago. Havent had to much use for it yet, Need to find some smaller key boards :(
I've had the GS for 3 months now, and it was working great, but now about half the board is unusable (well, it is usable, but it is no better than my desk surface) because the peaks have worn off.

I do use it a lot, and I was wondering, if the GS lasted 2-21/2 months, how long would the XT last? For now I can use the GS rotated 90 degrees, but I will need to get a new one sometime.
My mom told me my mousepad looked like shietz *food stain, dirty, ripped* and when I was browsing hot deals said hey! ratpadz! And bought one.

yay for me.
I've had the GS for 3 months now, and it was working great, but now about half the board is unusable (well, it is usable, but it is no better than my desk surface) because the peaks have worn off.

I do use it a lot, and I was wondering, if the GS lasted 2-21/2 months, how long would the XT last? For now I can use the GS rotated 90 degrees, but I will need to get a new one sometime.

I've had the GS for 3 months now, and it was working great, but now about half the board is unusable (well, it is usable, but it is no better than my desk surface) because the peaks have worn off.

I do use it a lot, and I was wondering, if the GS lasted 2-21/2 months, how long would the XT last? For now I can use the GS rotated 90 degrees, but I will need to get a new one sometime.

If you want, I will give you the purchase price of the GS towards and XT. We have XT users that have had their pads literally for years and years. Contact Linda using the Ratpadz Contact page and simply cut and paste this message and she will make it happen.
Nah, I've certainly gotten my $10 out of it already.

Actually, I think this mouse is a bad fit with the pad (the MX Revolution). There is a lot of contact area with the feet, especially the top feet, which is the spot where the pad is dead.

I trimmed the feet last night and it is much nicer so far (but still doesn't work too well in that one spot). I was also wondering if anybody knows of a good site for mice feet/skates, I'd like to look at just putting some good new ones on here, especially before buying the XT (I don't want these skates to ruin that too).
I was also wondering if anybody knows of a good site for mice feet/skates, I'd like to look at just putting some good new ones on here, especially before buying the XT (I don't want these skates to ruin that too).

I refer most customers here: www.slicksurf.com/
They have 2 different types of MX Revolution feet.
I just ordered one. I wish I saw that they weren't shipping until the 26th...

I figured if they were being advertised on the main page they would be able to ship.

Still looking forward to it coming in though!
I've had mine a couple months now (the XT) and I really can't tell if I like more than some of my other mousepads or not. I love it's sturdiness and design, but that hard plastic is freaking loud and not to comfy against the hand/wrist. Even with that stated it's still a very nice pad and worth my money. Currently using it with the fiance's laptop when I want to do some old school gaming on her T41.
All orders have shipped as of today that were placed in the last week.
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