Razer Deathadder Problem?


Limp Gawd
Jul 14, 2004
I just recently built a new gaming system and with it I also purchased a Razer Deathadder from Amazon and I have noticed a problem with the mouse. It seems as if the primary mouse button 1 (left click button) will lose contact like I have let off of the button. For example, when holding the button down while trying to drag folders it will "let go" as if I lifted my finger off of the button. I have noticed this in my games also because I use the left click as my primary fire button and when holding the button down it will fire in bursts instead of just a continuous stream. I downloaded the new drivers and firmware but it has made no change. The button acts as if i'm clicking it when i'm holding the button down. Is there anyway I can fix this?
Interesting. Until I read this, I hadn't noticed my mouse does this.

Not very often. In games I don't notice it because I naturally burst fire, but when I'm click-holding to highlight on web pages, it will act like I released it.

I'm on the new firmware/software as well. No idea. :confused:
Interesting, but mine doesn't do this, which could mean a driver or firmware problem. I don't think i am using the most recent one.

I am on XP don't know if you guys are on vista or xp as you didn't say.
I had a different problem with my DA on 2 different XP machines. The cursor would start to creep across the screen on its own (using updated drivers & firmware). After talking to Razer tech support, they told me sometimes they do that and I should exchange it. Needless to say I bought a mouse from a different company!
I'm running the latest firmware and drivers on XP and an Asus motherboard with no problems. I really like this mouse, but I'm apparently just lucky since I got a working one; I seem to hear more and more issues people are having with it.
Sounds like the microswitches (i believe thats what they're called) are messed up or have collected dust. My first copperhead had a similar problem but would double click instead. Hopefully the deathadder I just ordered doesn't have this trouble. (my replacement copperhead worked fine) sounds like razer needs to step up with quality control.
I'm running the latest firmware and drivers on XP and an Asus motherboard with no problems. I really like this mouse, but I'm apparently just lucky since I got a working one; I seem to hear more and more issues people are having with it.

But what you don't hear is the people who have no problems with the product. That's because they don't make threads about it. I'm sure the amount of working DeathAdder mice exponentially outweigh the amount of defective units.
But what you don't hear is the people who have no problems with the product. That's because they don't make threads about it. I'm sure the amount of working DeathAdder mice exponentially outweigh the amount of defective units.

A very good point; having taken a statistics class in high school, I should have kept data-collection biases in mind. Still though, it seems like I have read quite a few issues concerning it. My only complaint is that the wheel on mine squeaks... just a little bit. I might open it up someday and oil it.
I myself have the same "duo click" problem recently, since i update to the latest DA driver & firmware. When i try single click, it just double it up; also when i hold & drag it just releases... very annoying... I then use an uninstall program to delete the driver & firmware completely, then my mice come back to normal ! Interesting.
IMO, the real problem is in the firmware....
I have a Mamba and am quite unimpressed by the build quality. The front thumb button is loose (it's like the spring gave out). The bottom of the mouse scratches my pad (my MX518 missing 2 feet glides better). It also loses connection quite a bit. At least once a night, I'll have to unplug it and replug it for it to work again. Once, it seemed to completely die on me, and the only thing that got it to work again was opening up the Razer Configurator (not even a hard reset fixed the issue). My friend's Mamba has exhibited all the same issues.

My 6 year old MX518 has not exhibited any issues whatsoever.

Anectodal evidence or not, I'm done with Razer for the moment. It's too bad, because I really like the form factor of the DeathAdder/Mamba.
I myself have the same "duo click" problem recently, since i update to the latest DA driver & firmware. When i try single click, it just double it up; also when i hold & drag it just releases... very annoying... I then use an uninstall program to delete the driver & firmware completely, then my mice come back to normal ! Interesting.
IMO, the real problem is in the firmware....

It's a common problem in razer gear, because it's built like shit and they know it.

It's hardware, not software. Your firmware update was a placebo.

I soon scrapped my deathadder and diamondback after they started doing this (JUST outside the one year... Fuck you razer.)

Never again. After two mice, just outside the warranty, I won't be buying another one of their products (I TRIED getting them to help me, Email, phone, FACEBOOK EVEN, they deleted my facebook posts...)