Razer Diamondback Chameleon 1600dpi Gaming Mouse $19.99

I was planningg on getting a KVM switch for my porn browsing rig but they are still retartedly expensive for USB/DIV-X. Figured this would be a reasonable excuse to get an awesome mouse, even though personally it doesn't feel as good as my MX-518. I could never really get used to the minimal contact feel of the Sidewinders. Guess that's a good thing though, seeing as how it'll be used for the porn-only rig; less surface area to get all sticky when I'm rockin' out with my cock out.
congratulations mr cock jack, we appreciate your enthusiasm in wiggling and jiggling but we've enough self-loving and I cannot do with another one. Not to mention the offense you are bringing to our dear ladies.

Id definitely buy one if I hadnt bought an mx400 for 25 after rebates.

I cancelled my amazon order and bought this one, but now Im regretting it because mx400 was insanely comfortable and it had side scrolling, oh well. If it wasnt for the rebate. I guess Ill sell it to someone whos close to chicago
Hallow said:
I was planningg on getting a KVM switch for my porn browsing rig but they are still retartedly expensive for USB/DIV-X. Figured this would be a reasonable excuse to get an awesome mouse, even though personally it doesn't feel as good as my MX-518. I could never really get used to the minimal contact feel of the Sidewinders. Guess that's a good thing though, seeing as how it'll be used for the porn-only rig; less surface area to get all sticky when I'm rockin' out with my cock out.

I find it funny that you are a "Limp Gawd"

I bought myself one of these mice I'll find a use for it, good deal.
garrettgjb said:
I bit, I gotta see what the fuss is about these mouses. Could use a spare anyway.
Same here. I'm hoping its more comfortable than my logitech MX310 :p
I have a Logitech G7. Is the Razer better? I don't care for the gloss finish on my G7 with swaety hands.
I bit. I also must see what all the fuss is about. Plus I could use a nice gaming mouse anyways........ugh.......now I gotta go buy a func pad.

i bit, i won one for a BF2 tourney, then it broke after a year almost to the day. I picked up one of the white 1.6 pros and now i just got this replacement diamondback.
This is an extremely hot deal, I and all my other gamer geek buddies use these babies and quite frankly it's like having an extention to your arm once you get used to the super response of the mouse! :D

I'll be honest, I got my limited edition blue diamondback about a year ago when CALeague had a CStrike tournament in which you pay $20 to enter, but get a free razer mouse just for entering. My team finished 5-2. =P
This mouse is wicked. mind you, the chameleon isnt great looking IMO, the Plasma is wicked :p its UV too! and this mouse is really easy too use :p i DO prefer it over logitech's MX designs, but theyre all good :) But the non slip buttons on the razer pwn. theyre huge, and have grooves so no slippage :p

And dude, pron comment = uncool.
i own the viper and diamondback since whenever those came out ,

diamondback is a ok gaming mouse but the driver sucks , often the mouse will not power up when the pc boots ,even if you follow the suggestions on razerzone website,if you try to get it going by disabling then re enabling the device from the device manager , it will crash and restart the pc.

my main dislike about it is that the extra buttons (on the left and right side) are unusable ,
and the shape of the mouse is not too comfortable and it didn't have much thought put into the design ,

i emailed the razer team after i owned the viper for a while suggesting some fixes and changes for their next mouse "diamondback" , unfortunately they ignore user feedback , the diamondback came out almost identical to the viper ,

i skipped on their last mouse , whatever its name is , it has the cheap plastic feel to it , unlike diamondback and viper , the extra buttons were improved but still suck and there was no noticeable change in shape ,

i don't recommend this mouse if you value comfort and usability , the only good thing about it that its 1600dpi , and its durable ,
I've had a razer mouse for quite some time now, and I'm very happy with it. The driver was a little flakey, but nothing major - a little tinkering with it, and it was working.

I picked up one of these for the kids' PC from woot today.

I'd recommend Razer mice to anyone looking for a good quality mouse. Two things I'd say about the one I have - 1) it's very light weight. If you prefer a more 'substantial' feeling mouse, you might not like theirs. 2) the main left/right buttons are huge and sensitive - great for twitch gaming, but poor for those super late nights of WoW raiding where you're half-asleep and your finger gets a little heavy and accidentally clicks on something it shouldn't. LOL wiped the raid once that way :)

At this price, hard to pass up if you're curious about them.
I got one too. I've been waiting for a good deal on a nice mouse... been using the wireless mouse from my lx700 set and/or my original microsoft optical :-( this should be a nice change for cs:s
I've got a nice mood ring version Microsoft Wireless Explorer, but I need to see if this will improve my ownership in my CSS clan. Very hot, and very on the way to my mailbox :cool:
WhyYouLoveMe said:
rofl - I feel your pain. Wired FTW! (but I'll stick w/ me MX518)

Great deal! W00t!
Seriously, ive had it for like 2 years and have never liked it. I got it free and it replaced my Logitech iFeel that stopped vibrating... Wired ftw is correct
Well I had to see what all the fuss was about as well. I snagged one. I have a MX510 thats been by my side forever, i'll see how the Razer fairs. Oddly enough I paid the same price for the MX510 2yrs ago lol.
Every mouse I own works good... yet I melted and bought this HOT deal.
I ordered 2 despite my issues for gifts. not the most comfortable mouse but damn how I hate my mx510. goddamn do I hate it logitrash mouse feet fall off after 2 months.
i bit earlier today, first woot, first gaming mouse, and hopefully quite an upgrade from my trackball
where can peopel "try" mice?

stores ony have them on display for feel, they dont have each mouse hooked up to a machine running half lfie 2 and battlefield.
in order to get a new one, i gotta buy-try-return for a few months
if any chicagoeans are interested, I might sell mine after it arrives because Im too picky about mouse probably due to my 12" spanning hands