Razer Diamondback lag issue in game...


Apr 13, 2005
hey guys, i just got diamondback but i have problem. i play dod:s and now i get all this weird lag and sloppy mouse movements. i think i'm gonna try re-installing the drivers or go back to my logitech optical and see if it still happens, but i'm at a loss if those don't work. I've read about upping the usb polling rate, but i have no idea where to do that or if that's even the problem. any help would be great.

try removing all previous mouse drivers before installing new ones (if you hadnt thought of that before)
LunchboX3904 said:
hey guys, i just got diamondback but i have problem. i play dod:s and now i get all this weird lag and sloppy mouse movements. i think i'm gonna try re-installing the drivers or go back to my logitech optical and see if it still happens, but i'm at a loss if those don't work. I've read about upping the usb polling rate, but i have no idea where to do that or if that's even the problem. any help would be great.

NOt sure if it is the same in all games but sometimes there is a place to lock the mouse to hardware or software. I know wow had that, on my other machine where if I had it to hardware it was sloppy, but if I moved to software controlled it was flawless.

Hope that helps,

r_a_s88 said:
try removing all previous mouse drivers before installing new ones (if you hadnt thought of that before)
that's what i was thinking but i never installed drivers for my logitech. just plugged it in and went for it. i may just re-install windows cause i haven't in awhile.

well, for whatever reason, the installation of the razer drivers reset the internet speed of steam to 14.4k modem. So I put it back to DSL > 768k and it runs great. the mouse is fantastic too and i'm not even use to it yet. thanks for the suggestions.
