Razer Diamondback Plasma $40.95 + $5.86 Shipping

Where does it say that there will be only 5,000 plasma's? I havent seen a specific number on their website. I only read that they have a limited number of infrared opticals, but no number was mentioned.

Hopefully mine will be here sometime next week.
8fingers said:
the numbers refer to spelling mistakes made in an above post

Suprnova04 said:
I now understand what this meant. Sorry i jumped on you :p I thought it meant mistakes about how many buttons there are. That's why i thought you were so far off, lol. D'oh!

hehe :p yea, I was talking about the number of spelling mistakes. Maybe you can correct my math there? hehe, just kidding
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Order Process :[/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Completed [/font]
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Payment Process :[/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Completed [/font]
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Shipping Process :[/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Completed , 06-01-05[/font]

w00t. should be here by the end of the week supposibly (gogamer)
Hey Rigas, since you have one, can you do me a favor and kindly confirm for us how many damn buttons the thing has? People here are starting to piss me off with difficult math crap. I can't keep up!
Sorry it took so long, but it has 7 buttons and the mouse wheel, i.e. up down. I got mine from X10.com and it cost $50 shipped. I got it in 2 days
There's no need to be sorry, but thanks for confirming how many buttons the mouse has. :)
  • Left Click
  • Right Click
  • Left Side Button Up
  • Left Side Button Down
  • Right Side Button Up
  • Right Side Button Down
  • Middle Wheel Click
7 buttons. Mouse is awesome, by the way. Picks up the most intricate movements I've ever seen and is so good looking. Not as bright as the pictures make it though unless in a very dark environment.
I really want to get one of these; anyone know of any retailer certainly getting these in stock?
Anyone wanna post some real pics of it instead of those glamour shots from retailers? I want to see how it really looks minus the spensive photo shoot. :p

1c3d0g said:

They are out now. But I just got notification that mine just shipped at the end of last week and the billing went through this morning. I had ordered mine back when many of you guys had given up and cancelled and now it looks like I'll be getting one after all. Kind of weird though.

I really didn't have any expectations, but :D

So does anybody know what kind of LED's it uses? I'm going to replace them with green as soon as I can?
apHytHiaTe said:
My mx510 is a bit tired... I might cave in. It's really dangerous to keep $100 in your paypal account ;P

Does anyone know if these dudes take paypal?

yea my mx510 buttons were starting to get a bit stiff...foudn one of these at the local Electronic Boutique and I was liek they only got one! Must buy. But I paid $60. Oh well...
I wish the price of this mouse would come down. It just went up $10 at newegg over the last few days. I was about to buy it, too :rolleyes:
As an update to the the deal that initiated the thread,

My status has changed to: In Transit and I got a UPS tracking number via email.

Looks like Royal Business Equipment intends to make good for those who waited.

I'll let you know when it arrives.. (UPS Ground..so should be fairly slow.)

In the email it states that "This item has FINALLY arrived at our warehouse in very small quantities." (capitalization theirs). So sounds like it's still being doled out in small quantities to retailers. I don't think, however, that razer will limit the number since this one seems to be popular enough to warrant continued manufacture.
They're back in at NewEgg, a little more expensive but get em while they're hot. Just ordered mine :cool: .
Well, mine arrived from Royal Business equipment so they are good in my book. To be honest I'd just sort of forgotten about it.

Apparently the production of this mouse has ceased according to this note on razerzone.

The Razer Diamondback Plasma™ Limited Edition has won numerous awards in gaming publications in the past month and is considered one of the most desirable gaming peripherals in the world. It’s not just a gaming mouse – it’s a work of art! However, while the Razer Diamondbacks™ are forever, the production run of the Razer Diamondback Plasma™ has ceased with immediate effect.

Which makes me wonder how many are available.
kina like Oakley.com when i tried to order a pair of sun glasses.

"oh yeah. We sold out so we arent making any more"

I thought they did this to make money?
EchoMatrix said:

Those ebay ones will end up at > $45. I was watching those before I saw this hot deal. It still may be a good way to get a Diamondback Plasma though. I like the feel of this one a bit better than the MX510 that I currently use.

I think the excuse I saw for the limited nature of the plasma is that they only had a limited quantity of the IR led. You can still get the non-plasma versions of the diamondback with the red LED. My guess is they produce a similar one in the future but it just will not be "exact same color" as the Plasma.
got mine in last night
nice mouse!
real accurate im gonna kill some of u mofo's in CS now :D
sithspit said:
They are out now. But I just got notification that mine just shipped at the end of last week and the billing went through this morning. I had ordered mine back when many of you guys had given up and cancelled and now it looks like I'll be getting one after all. Kind of weird though.

I really didn't have any expectations, but :D

So does anybody know what kind of LED's it uses? I'm going to replace them with green as soon as I can?
Theres a blue led under the mouse wheel and one in hte middle of the mouse illuminating the rest. Just replace those and it should work fine i wouild think...

just dont swap out the infrared led on the bottom; you'll lose an ungodly amount of pickup then