Razer mouse extremely sensitive in game - normal under Windows.


Nov 14, 2005
Hi, friends.

Sorry for a new thread about something so dumb, but this problem is driving me insane. Hoping maybe someone here could give me some insight. I made a big post over at Razer Blueprints about it, so I'm just going to quote myself to save typing.

My main question to this forum is: is there anyone here playing MoH:Airborne and using a Razer Diamondback mouse? If so, are you experiencing this problem too?

Here is my post. Many thanks if you can help me out.


So I've longed searched for an answer to this question, but have never really gotten a response. Now it's still happening with my new Diamondback 3G, which really disappoints me.

I'm a low sensitivity gamer. The problem is that for certain games, the mouse sensitivity shoots way up. And it's only while in-game that it does it. My sensitivity is normal in Windows, normal in the game menus, but then once the 3D graphics fire up - the sensitivity is 10x what it should be. No amount of adjusting the sensitivity sliders, either Windows or game, will affect it.

This has happened with both my old Diamondback (6.02 driver) and now my Diamondback 3G (1.00 driver). It does it under both Windows XP and my current Vista. It only does it for certain games though - BF2 which I used to play under XP, and now it's doing it while playing Medal of Honor: Airborne in Vista.

Now, it only does it while using the max DPI of the mouse. Meaning, 1600 in the old Diamondback, and now 1800 in the 3G. If I set the mouse to use 800 DPI, it seems to behave correctly in game. While I understand that this is a workaround, I would still like to solve the problem and be able to use the full DPI available to the mouse.

Since this has happened under different games, different OS's, and now different mice... I can't believe I'm the only one that is experiencing this. Does anyone know of a fix? Is it the game itself that can't support higher DPI's, or is this a problem with Razer?

have you tired your on-the-fly feature in-game? I have a diamondback 3G as well and i use it all the time to adjust my mouse sensitivty in-game and it works very well. I adjust sensitivity depending on what im doing (ie. sniping)
have you tired your on-the-fly feature in-game? I have a diamondback 3G as well and i use it all the time to adjust my mouse sensitivty in-game and it works very well. I adjust sensitivity depending on what im doing (ie. sniping)

No, I'm guess I'm kinda old school in that I don't like my sensitivity to change while playing. But for the sake of argument I went and tried to enable it. It doesn't seem to be working.

Now, it's supposed to just toggle between 800 and 1800 DPI, correct? I bound the On-The-Fly-Sensitivity command to my right-side buttons. When I hit them nothing happens. I even checked the 'show on screen' box, but nothing shows on screen.

Am I just cursed when it comes to Razer?
no, the on-the-fly sensitivty is a 10 point slider. Hold down your on the fly button that you were pushing then move your scroll wheel (or middle mouse button whatever you call it) up or down and it adjusts your sensitivty for you, if your at your desktop you should see a little slider pop up when you do this. In games you wont see the slider when you do this but it still does the same thing.
Oh my god, I think I figured out the problem!

So I've always just been adjusting mouse sensitivity using the main sensitivity slider in the Razer control panel. I'd set Windows to about half or something, then fine tune using the Razer control panel.

I've always left Master Sensitivity Control (under Advanced) turned off. But I think that's what my problem was.

Now what I did was turn Master Sensitivity Control on, and set that at 2 (both X and Y axis). To compensate, I turned Master Windows Control up to 7. So now my Windows sensitivity is what I would consider normal. Then when I fire up MoH:Airborne, the sensitivity works!

I'm thinking some how, some way the game was reading the Razers Master Sensitivity - which, even though turned off, was set to 10. But now that it's set much lower, the in-game sensitivity is manageable. It's odd how only a few select games behaved like this though.

You know, the main problem here is that there's too god damn many sensitivity sliders for this thing. =P

And yes, using your instructions, On-The-Fly sensitivity works too! It just adjusts the Master Sensitivity Control "on the fly". It's not something I'll use, but at least I know what I'm doing now.

Thanks, Rag.

(I think if I have to type 'sensitivity' one more time today I'm going to kill myself)
rofl i know what you mean, sensitivity is an un-comfertable word for me to type out, i alwaya end up pausing for 3 seconds trying to type it out. then again im horrible for hitting the wrong keys, or switching 2 letters of a word around, hence why 99% of my posts are edited lol.

Personally I leave the master sensitivty at 5, everything else at default then adjust using my on-the-fly, I find it much more compfertable for me to use, and I enjoy being able to fine tune my aiming down to a tee mid game :p
Question for my razer bretheren. How can I have visual indicator in Windows or on my G15 that tell me which profile I am running? This is pretty annoying, as 5 profiles is kinda hard to switch in a FPS. Thanks.