Razer Naga MMOG Mouse


Dec 18, 2010
I absolutely LOVE this mouse. It only took a couple hours before I was mastering the 12 keys on the side. (I play a lot of MMOs; WoW, SW;TOR, Rift, GW2, ect). Also, switching weapons in BF3 is quick an a breeze. It has become second nature, an not something I even have to think about.

I've had no tracking issues others have apparently reported, nor have I had any firmware or driver issues. However, there IS an issue I'm experiencing that's rather more than annoying.

I've had this mouse for a year, give or take, an now the main left mouse button is acting wonky. Sometimes it doesn't register a click at all, an sometimes it double-clicks when I click it once. This is HIGHLY annoying an inconvenient as hell, as you can imagine.

I Google'd this issue extensively, an apparently it is a known problem of this particular mouse. (My Naga is the first gen.). I've also tried a few "fixes" ppl have suggested, but it's still not working properly. Some good did come of trying to fix it, such as, when I took it apart to clean it, taking off the outer nylon slider to access the screws to open it up, when I put it back together, it actually glides better on my Rocketfish mat without the outer slider then it did when it was new, riding on just the central sensor glider.

I'd really hate to spend the coin to get a new one, which I would, as I love this mouse just that much, but funds are tight, an was wondering if ANYONE had this same problem an what they did to fix it that I might have not tried yet. Suggestions?
I don't have that mouse, but I have a logitech g600 which is quite similar - and I recommend it if you start looking to buy a different one.
Only issue I've had is the micro double click. I've cleaned it and used contact spray and nothing. The double clicking is there. For now I'm still using it and I've thought about going with the G600. Love the Naga when it works though. Only lasted about a year and change.
Holy crap I thought I was going crazy. This thing is double clicking. Huh... even more reason now to ditch it.