Razer Orbweaver Gaming Keypad $99.98 @ Best Buy

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Looks like the Nostromo and the G13 had a love child. Over priced in my opinion, just like typical razer crap.
The price premium on that one is because it's mechanical instead of plastic if I'm not mistaken, been using the Nostromo since it came out in 2001
Looks like they used Black mechanical switches. Still seems a bit high considering a full size mech keyboard is around $60-80. Guess they have to pay off that R&D.
It is the same price on Amazon. I think it dipped down to around 86.00 last weekend.
I have been using a nostromo since the RTCW days. Been through a few since then.

The orb weaver uses MX blue switches.
Haha! That's what I got it for also, RTCW until I moved on to MOHAA, all razer did was buy the design from belkin. Either way I jumped in on this, currently using the last model with the Belkin brand and its pretty beat up, was going to get the lower tiered model but just decided to go mechanical.
I have a Belkin N52 and Logitech G13. After the Synapse 2.0 issues with the Razer keyboards I would go for the G13 again instead of a Razer product.
I have a Belkin N52 and Logitech G13. After the Synapse 2.0 issues with the Razer keyboards I would go for the G13 again instead of a Razer product.

Oh hey, that's what I ended up doing also. Had the Belkin for years, but now find the G13 the better product especially after the new Logitech software, big step up.
If the price ever goes way under this, I'd snatch one up immediately. I've gone thru an n50 and 2 n52s over the years. I've been using a G13 for extra buttons, but I preferred the key layout and the dpad over the G13's keys and stick.
i dont really care about the dpad, other than i want my most dexterous fingers to have access to the most buttons.

thumb - 8-16...index - 3-6...middle - 3-4...ring - 2-3...pinky - 2-4
I am thinking about buying this even though I have a barely used Razer Nostromo here. I have a custom mechanical keyboard, may as well have a mechanical gamepad. I just wish I could change the color of the back light. My keyboard has red, white, blue, yellow and purple in it but not green. Since I am a big fan of the D-pad for movement the idea that it is a mechanical D-pad is what really interests me. For me I don't think the extra row of keys will be needed.
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