RDP Print fiasco


Limp Gawd
Oct 12, 2003
As some of you may recall, a couple weeks ago I started a thread on remote printing.
I know that it is shunned upon for replying to an old thread, thus I started a new one.

This has not been resolved and has been move to top priority; I know I am getting somewhere....slowly.
Basically this is someone who works from home, they use RDP (via VPN) and want to be able to print to their home from a remote computer.
As it turns out she had a "all-in-one" printer, I was told this will NOT work and to just get a regular printer, and we'll be good to go, so we did. Mind you I DID install the windows registry fix to allow USB printers via RDP.

So we got a new printer, she hooked it up on her end, RDP to me and....the printer is still not showing up on the remote computer, it of course works fine on her end.
I'm lost, it should...just work! Any advice?
make sure RDP is set to map printers and drives to the machine. Normally over the net it doesnt do this because of bandwith, you will have to customize this...
So we got a new printer, she hooked it up on her end, RDP to me and....the printer is still not showing up on the remote computer, it of course works fine on her end.
I'm lost, it should...just work! Any advice?

Check your event logs on the host machine for errors or warnings around the time she logged in. post those errors or warnings here.
Okay, went in the events log not too long ago and whatdoyanoo, driver error. So I loaded the driver on the remote comptuer....perhaps that will solve the problem?
The client's Comcrap cable modem is acting flakey right now so can't log in, hopefully it works.
Are the pc's the same OS version, some drivers don't play nice over RDP with different versions of windows
Yep, same versions.

AND....IT WORKS!!!!! OMFG this is the biggest accomplishment i've ever made, okay not that big, but it's been on the back burner for months and finnally I got it to work! w00t.:D :cool:
Yep, same versions.

AND....IT WORKS!!!!! OMFG this is the biggest accomplishment i've ever made, okay not that big, but it's been on the back burner for months and finnally I got it to work! w00t.:D :cool:

Had you listened to our suggestions in your other thread this would have been fixed two weeks ago. Glad to see that you finally get it fixed.
Well, no, it was actually the fact that the printer was an "all-in-one", then I heard that it wont work with that.

But I did revert back to my old thread to refresh myself, and it did help. Thank you very much for the help, the screenshot tutorial was a big help (that's dedication!).
Well, no, it was actually the fact that the printer was an "all-in-one", then I heard that it wont work with that.

But I did revert back to my old thread to refresh myself, and it did help. Thank you very much for the help, the screenshot tutorial was a big help (that's dedication!).

Interesting that RDP & AIO's don't work. From my experience RDP works fine with AIO's, the screenshots that I posted are with my AIO Lexmark x2470.

But I digress, the matter at hand is that everything is now working!