re wire a digital photo frame?

Jan 20, 2006
Greeting fellow seekers of knowledge,

I’m sure this has been asked before but the search is turning up nadda; has anyone tried/been able to successfully use a digital photo frame as a PC mod? I’m just trying to see if it’s feasible to try and re-wire a frame I’ve got laying around and turning it into say a mini-display for my server etc…

Any thoughts/help/input would be greatly appreciated,
Many thanks,
Fallen Out
LOL, I've asked this before and received no answer. I've been thinking about investigating this myself, but don't want to mess with it until I can get a picture frame for under 50.

edit: In the meantime you can use a PSone LCD, which will do 640x480. It's a well documented mod.

Also, I don't think that it would be too easy to mod this. Here's why. The LVDS controller is most likely built into the mainboard of the picture frame. This is the part that converts the digital signal into the ons and offs for the LCD. In order to get the LCD to work, you'd have to build your own controller, which would be a PITA.

What I was talking about was modding the frame into a little baby computer. There are even touchscreen kits out there that have been used with the Asus Eee PC, which could probably also be used with a digital picture frame. Coolness!
If the picture frame has an AV input, you ought to use that. Other than that, nonameo is right--you'd have to come up with your own controller.

There is one other option--some portable DVD players have AV in, which may suit your purpose. I have a two-screen car DVD player that has AV inputs on both screens. We got ours a while back for $80. That's $40/screen, which is really not bad.
If the picture frame has an AV input, you ought to use that. Other than that, nonameo is right--you'd have to come up with your own controller.

There is one other option--some portable DVD players have AV in, which may suit your purpose. I have a two-screen car DVD player that has AV inputs on both screens. We got ours a while back for $80. That's $40/screen, which is really not bad.

Well, the only problem with that is that you are limited to composite. This would suck because of the ultra low resolution.
Intersting topic. I did the opposite, and took a 15" LCD and put it inside a picture frame, but then again, the 15" was free. Note: THe AC Converter board ended up coming off of the back of the frame, shorting itself, and blowing up. It was fun while it lasted.

I had a video of on it MySpace (along with one of me shooting a Free G3 Mac), but I deleted my account...mostly because MySpace is annoying. If I still have the video on my server at home, I will find a new host for it, and post it.
Humm... I'll have to keep doing some digging; I was able to get my hands on a 5.5 inch pic frame during a recent woot. I haven't torn it apart yet but from what I can see it has the standard SD slot and USB-A plugin; my first though was maybe I can leverage the USB but I won't know for sure until I start tearing it apart.

any other thoughts/suggestions keep 'em flowen.