Ready to throw Windows 7 out of the window after one day

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well in a lot of ways I have to agree with the op. A LOT of the things they have put in are for show and tell to make it look like they are big time on your side and helping you. BS

Run as admin on everything....SURE
NO ONE is going to set a program or shortcut to run as in the uac then turn around on the stupid prompt and say why NO I don't want to run that as administrator...thanks MS.......more bs

its just show and tell to make it look like its some super os.....ITS NOT

in the 2k beta they locked down the registry and programs to write to it and the drives, logged everything...gave you list of files and asked for each and everything changed... GREAT this keeps you from getting hosed and allows you to remove everything a program does.
WHY was it not implemented....
the people selling the software to us wanted full control so they could do whatever they wanted....F the user....same as today.

Overall Vista and 7 are just more bs to make it look like some super system...its a joke
don't flame the op for saying it
And I suppose XP IS some super OS? So lame, propping up that ancient crappy (by today's standards) OS, I'll never understand why luddites love computers...

And yes, rolling back all changes a program makes WOULD be nice, however it would kill a lot of software companies. Imagine if you could install the trial of something like 3ds max and after the 30 days, uninstall it and then just reinstall it again and use it for 30 more days. It would put them out of business. Sorry but in the real world you don't get every last thing you want because you co-exist with other people. Don't like it, don't install their software at all.
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well in a lot of ways I have to agree with the op. A LOT of the things they have put in are for show and tell to make it look like they are big time on your side and helping you. BS
What if they are very helpful, and aren't just for show? The comments you are spewing are nothing more than opinions from someone who either never used Windows 7, or never gave it a chance with an open mind. Many of the improvements only appear as visual fluff to someone who doesn't know what they do or how to use them. To someone they do, they are very useful.
Overall Vista and 7 are just more bs to make it look like some super system...its a joke
What's a joke is that you spout this stuff as fact expecting others to believe it or give you any credibility for saying so. A baseless rant without any solid information is just that....baseless. The best way to figure out that Windows 7 isn't just to use it for a while, and then try going back to XP. It's absolutely painful, to say the least.
I have three different machines. One has xp, one has vista, and one has 7. I find them all extremely similar in layout and i can always find a way to do what I want in each program. If it isn't setup how I like it I can usually tweak it.

The biggest advantage of 7 for me so far is the improved search functionality.
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