Real Crappers -- UD or FAH

Carnival Forces

Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 9, 2003
if we have really crappy crappers, like sub 1/2 GHz, will they be faster running timeless tinkers or doing the UD project?

just wondering, thanks!
As I understand it, you will get more points for running UD since their scoring system is different. It should accomplish the same amount of science either way.
But who cares about UD when we're #2 AGAIN behind the aussies @ FAH...

I vote for FAH, every point counts, but it might as well count towards being #1 again.
ZROUT said:
But who cares about UD when we're #2 AGAIN behind the aussies @ FAH...

I vote for FAH, every point counts, but it might as well count towards being #1 again.
if you're more concerned about the points, then i understand

but i'm more concenred about the science--so if a real crapper can accomplish more work w/ UD then i'd have it run UD.

Hito: i understand the scoring is different, but how do you know the same amount of work will be done? just wondering...
I'm not necessarily sure if there is a verifiable amount of science one project does over the other. I would think those are good UD boxes however, since I believe there are no project deadlines. I would caution though, that I've had some problems with the UD client. Certain software will cause it not to run, like MS Antispyware, and MBM5, on a Windows 2000 PC. YMMv but just something to consider.

KodiakStar said:
Put em up for UD then join in on the contest (see sticky)
meh, i only have one sub-500 GHz machine, i don't think i'll do very well in the contest, but as soon as it finishes the tinker it's on, i'll switch it over to UD.

UD does run on Win98FirstEdition, right?
Interesting... A 500 MZH cpu is only going to to 500 MZH worth of anything so...

If UD you can score more points, cool. However this also means everyone else is scoring more so it all washes out huh.

500 MZH bites in F@H, but it works.
Carnival Forces: I don't know that it would "complete" the same amount of work, that's why I said, "As I understand it." It makes sense since they are the same Mhz either way.
hmm, well i guess it boils down to this question: Which is more useful for the scientist? Timeless tinkers or UD work units?

i can't find anything on so i'm kinda lost...Tiger, where are you?!
Carnival Forces said:
hmm, well i guess it boils down to this question: Which is more useful for the scientist? Timeless tinkers or UD work units?

i can't find anything on so i'm kinda lost...Tiger, where are you?!

It's most useful to everyone if you fold under my name. If this is a P3, on 24/7 you can do normal WU's under F@H if you so choose. They take some time that's for sure.
To me that's like asking if five workers will do more work building a deck or building an entire house.

They'll do the same amount of work in any give time, to finish one may just take longer but it's the same amount of cpu cycles donated to a cause , lol , and if points are what you're worried about you should let them do FAH as that's where points REALLY matter right now *hint* *hint* :confused:

ZROUT said:
But who cares about UD when we're #2 AGAIN behind the aussies @ FAH...

I vote for FAH, every point counts, but it might as well count towards being #1 again.

In the big picture.. the cure is what matters... not which place you are in...

I wouldnt care if i was on the last team on earth, and the only person.. if my box found the cure... that would rock...

Thankfully I found a team that has good people to hang out with.. thats what matters. ;)
ZROUT said:
To me that's like asking if five workers will do more work building a deck or building an entire house.

They'll do the same amount of work in any give time, to finish one may just take longer but it's the same amount of cpu cycles donated to a cause , lol , and if points are what you're worried about you should let them do FAH as that's where points REALLY matter right now *hint* *hint* :confused:

no not really. look at it this way--is it more important that the coders for FAH get returns on timeless tinkers so that they can tweak the code for other proteins accordingly and get closer to a cure?

is it more important they get back non-timeless-tinkers, still w/i the deadline limit, albeit later, and tweak the code with that?

or is it more important that i finish a UD work unit? i don't even know what gets done with UD WUs...

the house-building analogy would work better like this: which is more important, a one-armed paraplegic (sp?) working on the roof or the foundation of the house? (in this case the foundation = FAH, the roof = UD, and the house = the search for a cure. many people are working in both places, but where will the gimp be of more help?)
It's really more a choice of personal preference at this point. Either project can use the data that you'll be sending back. The difference is how the program works, and who the data is going to. Like King_N's tagline, two projects, one goal.

You might be better served by asking the crew at and get the experts opinions of whether or not those boxes would give useful results.

KodiakStar said:
In the big picture.. the cure is what matters... not which place you are in...

I wouldnt care if i was on the last team on earth, and the only person.. if my box found the cure... that would rock...

Thankfully I found a team that has good people to hang out with.. thats what matters. ;)

I don't know what most of you are smoking (but can I have some? lol) but most if not all DC projects are fueled by competition. Ever since SETI@Home started it on a big scale. If competition didn't matter and didn't help the project to gain more members/systems then there would be no stats and none of you would be putting the stats in your signatures, no one would care about getting in top 50, 100 etc... and no one would give a rats ass if they got passed by someone else and there would be no "waving by" :rolleyes:

lets be realistic here, it's obvious we all donate stuff to a good cause, but reposting in every other thread that it's for the good of mankind only blah blah blah is getting a bit old ;) no offense, but you, just like everyone else enjoys the competition aspect of this.

I don't mean to sound like an ass, but what you posted is hypocritical.

Most of us doing this for months/years (I was a big SETI supporter for years and years) wouldn't care if there were no stats, but if stats/teams/competitions were not involved at all these projects would have fraction of donated systems than they do now and only the hardcore people would be donating cpu cycles.

stop the preaching, it's not needed ;)
Carnival Forces said:
the house-building analogy would work better like this: which is more important, a one-armed paraplegic (sp?) working on the roof or the foundation of the house? (in this case the foundation = FAH, the roof = UD, and the house = the search for a cure. many people are working in both places, but where will the gimp be of more help?)

Once you figure that out, let me know and get started on trying to find a sure way to beat casino's odds and if you get a few spare secs figure out who shot JFK. Some of us would like to know.

Thanks :D
You are right, the stats keep things interesting....but points don't mean anything at the end of the day.

Do the points save cancer patients? NO
Do the points save alzheimers patients? NO
Did the points find new medicines? NO
Do the points mean dick to me?? NO

Some fold for the points - cool. Not me and not a lot of others around here.

Be careful who you call a hypocrit. :mad:
And to add something (with no proven stats to back it up with, like most of what was posted in here...).

It would probably be better FOR SCIENCE to catch up to aussies and have a real race at #1 and #2 spots.

Last time we got front page mention out of it and gained what? like 200 members in a week more than usual (I made that number up, but it was a big jump in new memberships)?

It just proves my point, competition is what drives this. It will make every truly involved person on each time go out and borg/borrow/steal/beg/recruit for more boxes.

In the past month when we were first and then got into 2nd place again, how many of you thought in your head "I HAVE to go find more boxes", to me it's pretty clear that most of you have as there were numerous threads about it.

/end of rant

summary: I don't like people preaching. lol
AtomicMoose said:
You are right, the stats keep things interesting....but points don't mean anything at the end of the day.

Do the points save cancer patients? NO
Do the points save alzheimers patients? NO
Did the points find new medicines? NO
Do the points mean dick to me?? NO

Some fold for the points - cool. Not me and not a lot of others around here.

Be careful who you call a hypocrit. :mad:

Next time I see you put your stats in your sig and mention ANYTHING about points I'll call you up on that ok? :rolleyes: :D
now that you've crapped all over my beautiful thread, chill the heck out dude.

not only have you insulted the entire team, you've also called out a MOD for cheebus's sake (moose), and one of our most respected (and venerable ;)) members (Old; hehe, like how i abbreviate the name? marty should :p)

in your first rant, yeah you're right--points make people want to donate more, but even though that spurs us on to further contributions, for most of the [H]-folders it is far from the first reason why they fold..

i suggest you go read the "Why We DC" thread.
ZROUT said:
Next time I see you put your stats in your sig and mention ANYTHING about points I'll call you up on that ok? :rolleyes: :D
For the record, I rarely post my stats...

I am not saying that the points are not important to some. Just not to me.

I hardly think that you can come in here and call us hypocrits simply because we drawl new members with competition.

Perhaps you have never lost someone to one of these horrible diseases...perhaps you can't understand. That's fine. Fold for the points - good for you.
ZROUT said:
I don't mean to sound like an ass, but what you posted is hypocritical.

stop the preaching, it's not needed ;)

Take 2x of yourself. and call me in the morning.

And no. I dont do it for the points.

Like moose said.. I have lost too many people to be sitting around doing nothing about it..

as is im not going to med school anytime soon... so this is a way i can help
if that is, in fact, your original point, listen well.

one 450MHz pII running Win98FE will not win us first place.

now that that's cleared up, which one helps science more? UD or FAH?
Carnival, as I posted earlier in the flamewar, I think it boils down to personal preference. If you'd like an expert opinion, you might want to ask at and see if they think what it would put out would have value. If TT's are of any substantial value to them, then go with F@H, otherwise go UD as there are no time limits there.

ZROUT said:
lol, it's great to see how being blunt and honest drives people crazy. Especially on the internet.
here's blunt and honest: you're an idiot and your sentences make no sense.
if you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again.
stop crapping in my thread and answer points people are making--my sub-1/2GHz-machine will not get us first place, but it could help the project--the question is which program (UD/FAH) will enable it to help more.

answer it or leave.
It helps to get some support to UD as well... it is the other official project of the team and has been overrun with talk from F@H, so as long as its part of the [H]orde, we should throw a few boxen that way as well...
p[H]ant0m said:
Carnival, as I posted earlier in the flamewar, I think it boils down to personal preference. If you'd like an expert opinion, you might want to ask at and see if they think what it would put out would have value. If TT's are of any substantial value to them, then go with F@H, otherwise go UD as there are no time limits there.

yeah, thanks p[H]ant0m, i guess i'll do that...eventually ;)

ZROUT said:
But who cares about UD when we're #2 AGAIN behind the aussies @ FAH...

I vote for FAH, every point counts, but it might as well count towards being #1 again.

I care, each member has their choice over which project they want to participate in be it F@H or UD, it's for the same thing finding a cure(what we're doing these projects to accomplish, not all of us are in it for the points or to be #1).

Carnival Forces said:
I don't even know what gets done with WU units

The UD results are the property of Oxford University and The National Foundation for Cancer Research, the results are passed on to Oxford.

So far we've completed 2 projects for them Anthrax and Smallpox, the results were sent to Oxford University and Prof. Graham Richards personally presented the results to U.S.A.M.R.I.D. and the C.D.C. where they will be processed, a drug will be created and then tested.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure

Lurker Extraordinaire
King, so i guess UD is more specific--trying to find a drug--and FAH is more general--trying to find out how/why diseases start?

almost seems like we should all be UDing instead...

aie! which project is more beneficial?!
Wow, King_N made [H]lite!

UD gives points based on how long you work on a result, not on how many results you give back. So UD machines return a lot of points (relatively) even when they've got heavy loads on them. FAH bases its points on how many units you give back.

Or I could be pulling all this out of my butt. You can't be sure with me.
LoL @ Mage.

Plus.. if you run UD on it.. you can get into the contest.. maybe even win another computer ;)
well, i was just about to switch my Mandrakelinux 950MHz Duron over to UD...when i realized they only make *noes clients.

screw that.
Yep, they lost my machine too. I was gonna switch to it (it works thru squid) but there's no Linux client like you said.

So there you have it, two people who'd want to use the Linux client if you released one! There might even be another one somewhere. :p
unhappy_mage said:
Yep, they lost my machine too. I was gonna switch to it (it works thru squid) but there's no Linux client like you said.

So there you have it, two people who'd want to use the Linux client if you released one! There might even be another one somewhere. :p

Actually the UD client would be setup for linux, however it is simply a docking client used to create the cancer grid, the actual professionial research program Lig-Fit(chosen by oxford and made by Accelrys) was created for windows only, UD can't produce a linux client when the actual computational science program is windows only.

It has been reported to work through emulators though such as wine, you might give that a try.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure

Lurker Extraordinaire