Real [H]ard DC..You all need to read


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - August 2007
Mar 30, 2001
Folks, I admit it's been a few years.
I think I should point out a few things.

It's a typical weeknight...and I can count on my fingers the number of you who have posted tonight. For those who do, night after night...thank you.

We have new members who need help, we have guides that need to be updated, we have a forum that needs to be alive and kicking with two dozen helpful posts spaming every problem.

I don't care if you can only fold on a P3, I don't care if you are folder #50,000 and can only afford to do 15 PPD. I care about how you support this team.

Every one of you has 30 minutes to contribute once a day to support your brothers and sisters in [H] DC.
Back when we owned the folding world, you couldn't post in this forum without two dozen good friends asking about your kids, your boxen and if you got your car fixed.
What's the problem? Do you think saving the world isn't important enough for a few minutes a night?

This is [H] DC. If you can't make the grade....Tom's has a folding team....sort of.

**[H]ard is a road, not a destination.**

You know what....that just wasn't loud enough...this is [H] DC:

**[H]ard is a road, not a destination. **

We are here because the world need heroes....
When your kids/friends/GF look at they see the hero?
I love this place, I love this team.

It's that simple.

Hell my wife knows many of you from reading over my shoulder and the stories I tell.

Fold on brothers and sisters!

I do not consider myself a hero, just a man with a few boxen :p

Well said, relic. That has been this team's motto since the very beginning.

[H] is a road not a destination.

Hear Hear! I spent the first part of the day building a AMD 5000+ BE,8800GTS system out of spare parts (well, had to order a new MB) just for folding...Hopefully this will keep me around 13000PPD average...

I love this place, I love this team.

It's that simple.

And that is well said my friend...

I've been a bit distracted lately, and I truly apologize for that....

I love this team as well...I really do.

Fold On brothers and sisters.... and here's a few beers and tamales for you all....

Oh... and I have my new boxen crunching away and my 4850 is putting out about 1500ppd.... and I owe a HUGE thank you to Evil for his help with all of this... wouldn't have happened without his help, in more ways than one....

That said.... alan... I'm coming for you man.... and this time I mean it:)

Thanks relic... you really are an inspiration to us all....

I do not consider myself a hero, just a man with a few boxen :p[/URL]

Hero is, as hero does....and you are.
You have a mission, and I've watched you live up to that challenge.
Take your place, shoulder to shoulder with the [H]eroes of [H]...

We march on. I need leaders and heroes....
Can I count on you to fill that role?
This isn't about "if, maybe" or "I'll try"...this is about "I will".

Fold on.
Always count me in as a [H]ard member. I do have a mission to reply to almost all threads to help everyone ;)

Great words from the wise !

Now I don't feel so bad abusing my sempron for that extra 100 ppd. :p

In all honesty its mostly you guys who keep me folding. I really like the crowd, if the d/c forum wasn't as active I may have stopped folding all together.

Great words from the wise !

No, I'm just an man past his prime.
The future lies with men like you.

I will never be beaten, I will never surrender...if you want to best me, you must kill me, because I will crawl on my lips through broken glass just to chew through your ankles before I admit defeat.


I need men like you, because one day, as determined as I day I will not wake up.
One day someone else will have to "never surrender".
One day this world will need new heroes.

Are you up for that challenge my friend?
Can you be pick up this torch and battle onward?
Can you be my next hero?
Checking in Sir. I don't post much, but I've been with this team from the very beginning and lurk often. I probably speak for a lot of the folders on our team.
Checking in Sir. I don't post much, but I've been with this team from the very beginning and lurk often. I probably speak for a lot of the folders on our team.

I remember Wyxe. :)
It's been a long while, thanks for still being here.

We need your help. Time to step up to the plate and rejoin the [H]ero's ranks.
I know you've been around....we need a little more if you have it.

Fold on my friend.
I remember Wyxe. :)
It's been a long while, thanks for still being here.

We need your help. Time to step up to the plate and rejoin the [H]ero's ranks.
I know you've been around....we need a little more if you have it.

Fold on my friend.

I have some plans.....My goal is to get on your threat list. :) I still remember looking forward for a whole week to the elephant dump. Long live the elephant dump!!!
Well, since you ask, yes, the kids are great (number two finally joined the world thursday night), the boxen are humming along, and my car did get fixed and stop sucking up all my money. :D

And I see you back there digital. August is coming real soon.

I have some plans.....My goal is to get on your threat list. :) I still remember looking forward for a whole week to the elephant dump. Long live the elephant dump!!!

hehe. Yeah, do I remember g@h and the monster dumps.
Thanks for sticking around Wyxe.

You know that all I have to say is:
Shaddup and fold. :D :D
I know I haven't been in here much lately. Just one of those things called life that's been kicking me in the ass. While employed I had to curtail my forum going a bit. While unemployed I'm busy doing some other stuff. I still do what I can when I can.

And I'm no hero. Sometimes my son might think I am but he'll get over it as he gets older. What I do here and for folding does not make me a hero. It just makes me one who helps. It just means I'm part of a greater whole. The whole is a hero, but not this individual.

No, I'm just an man past his prime.
The future lies with men like you.

I will never be beaten, I will never surrender...if you want to best me, you must kill me, because I will crawl on my lips through broken glass just to chew through your ankles before I admit defeat.


I need men like you, because one day, as determined as I day I will not wake up.
One day someone else will have to "never surrender".
One day this world will need new heroes.

Are you up for that challenge my friend?
Can you be pick up this torch and battle onward?
Can you be my next hero?

As for myself, and being a noob, here I heard I’m 15 years older then you. So, if you are past your prime then I’m flat out fucked:eek:

Oh yeah, who is this Tom guy…………..doesn’t sound familiar:rolleyes:;)

Hey, long time folder here, just never posted much. I recently kicked it back into high gear last December. I still recognize quite a few names from years ago.

I have been busy with school and all, trying to get my degree. I did recently get to make a 9 node diskless cluster that is putting out decently for me. Most of the machines are lower end but the electricity is free! O yea, my folding name is jlovins.
First you tell us to post more.
Then you tell us to shut up and fold.

Make up your mind already :eek: :D

Thanks for the reminder relic. The one thing that I love about this team is the "Never say Never" attitude. I have seen people do things with computers here I never thought possible.

Go [H]orde!
First you tell us to post more.
Then you tell us to shut up and fold.

Make up your mind already :eek: :D

Sometimes the relic becomes stuck in military mode and says things like that and also:
E everyone line up alphabetically according to height:rolleyes::p

Sometimes the relic becomes stuck in military mode and says things like that and also:
E everyone line up alphabetically according to height:rolleyes::p

I'm a K5'11" Where do I go? Or is it 5'11"K :confused:

Sometimes the relic becomes stuck in military mode and says things like that and also:
E everyone line up alphabetically according to height:rolleyes::p

Actually, I think the answer is simpler. He's just senile in his old age. :p:D

i dont think i am a hero... i fold because i hope it will make a difference... i like trying to make a difference... one of the things i volunteer for (in real life mind you) is as the communications committee member for a 2800~ rider 150 mile bike tour that raised over 2 million dollars this year for MS research... last year at the "thank you dinner" for all the riders/runners (shared event) i ended up sitting next to an older lady who turns out had ms, when she asked me if i was a rider or a runner (lol, like i could do either... but anyway) I told her i was on the bike tour committee.. she got a huge smile and proceeded to tell me how grateful she and everyone [with ms] is for everything we do... she said more but i cant really remember at 1:30 am... but it was a really really satisfying feeling... that was actually the first time i had met someone with MS... i have always just tried to find places where i feel i can use my skills/abilities/resources to do the most good... i also volunteer for other local events like the march of dimes, various boy-scout (amateur radio) demonstrations, and assisting our local emergency operations center with damage assessment and communications after storms here in south florida...

anyway, thats kinda how i feel with F@H, every day i have a huge point output i feel like im hopefully that much closer to helping someone find something that might help others...

additionally if i hit 100 million i think Stanford should send me that little "certificate" they have on a gold plaque lol
I'm fairly new the [H]orde... Just joined at the very end of May, this was after roughly 3 months of not folding. See the last team I was on (you can check my old stats if you really care who it was), was not [H]ard... Not even a little. Don't get me wrong, they had (have) a small group of dedicated folders and do what they can, but I managed to get to be their top producer with a single Q6600 (running just one SMP, not dual like I am now) and a E8400. It got old very quickly, and it was easy to forget to restart my clients, or to even turn on my quad... A couple of months later I was here on the [H] boards, looking for advice on something, or just looking around, don't really remember, and I saw a few posts out in the non-DC area by various regulars... Saw their badges and started looking at the [H]orde's stats, the sheer number of people pushing out WU's like crazy... It got me energized and wanting back in. I know I will never be the top producer here at the [H]orde, but I also know that every single one of you will challenge me to put my all into it, and if I'm lucky I may break into the Top 20 (though GPU2 has made that a lot harder in the last couple of weeks). It's also great to be able to say that at least 11 of the Top 20 I can say without doubt post here what I would consider a "crap load" - probably more, that's just the ones I know without checking.

So a few notes:
1) Go forth and conquer the rest of the [H] community, not just the DC area. It's the best way to get members that I know of.
2) Wear your badge proudly, whether you have 15 points, or several million.
3) Yes, I use "..." a lot.

Now some closing words which will hopefully not get me sued.

Living and dying laughing and crying
Once you have seen it you will never be the same
Life in the fast lane is just how it seems
Hard and it's heavy, it's dirty and mean

It's how I live my life
I can't take it any other way
The sign of living fast
It is going to take
Your breath away

Don't stop for nothing it's full speed or nothing
I am taking down you know whatever is in my way
Getting your kicks as you are shooting the line
Sending the shivers up and down your spine

It's how I live my life
I can't take it any other way
The sign of living fast
It is going to take
Your breath away

Those people who tell you not to take chances
They are all missing on what life is about
You only live once so take hold of the chance
Don't end up like others the same song and dance

It's how I live my life
I can't take it any other way
The sign of living fast
It is going to take
Your breath away​
- Metallica, "Motorbreath" (should be the [H] anthem)

Fold often, Fold [H]ard
Nice to see you all.
Thanks for coming. :)

No, you not heroes.
Of course not.

You see a hero will try, even though faced with certain failure
Struggle onward when he/she doesn't have the resources to continue
Put the well-being of others ahead of his/her own
Have the courage to fail, crashing and burning again and again until they succeed
...and so much more

I don't know where I'd find anyone like that around here. :rolleyes:

"Hero" isn't a medal you wear, it's a heavy burden you agree to carry.
The call's been made.
lol alphabetical by height. That was funny when they did that in my fraternity because we had a 5'5" guy with a B and a 6'6" guy with a U. hilarious stuff
Nope, we ain't heros, I've heard there ain't many live heros anyhoo' and I ain't ready to "check out" just yet.

As far as medals go, like a lot of people I have a couple of them and from what I've seen it's what s in your heart that really counts. ;)

Like I read about a famous battle " uncommon valor was common" (or something like that) I think folding is a lot like that, nobody notices the quiet achever only the "noisey" wanabe. :p

Thanks everybody for foldin' and FOLD ON!

Close. The quote was "Uncommon Valor was a common virture." Said by Fleet Admiral Nimitz about the Marines who fought on Iwo Jima.

[/Marine Corps History Lesson]

I make it a habit to post on, and specifically the DC sub-forum 8 hours a day at work :)
Unfortunately when I get home, I usually just browse the For Sale forum. However, that will change.

Updates, questions, answers, and random crap will be posted from me day and evening. I need to start reading more too... cause I know next to noting regarding the GPU clients, SMP install/setup, diskless/headless setups/installs.
Don't send me back to Tom's :eek::(

Doubling my PPD tomorrow.... :D

Need to fold faster

Lovely stack but not as lovely as mine, which is about 120 computers :eek: Too bad I can't fold on all of them :(

I make it a habit to post on, and specifically the DC sub-forum 8 hours a day at work :)
Unfortunately when I get home, I usually just browse the For Sale forum. However, that will change.

Updates, questions, answers, and random crap will be posted from me day and evening. I need to start reading more too... cause I know next to noting regarding the GPU clients, SMP install/setup, diskless/headless setups/installs.

I can "dig' what you're sayin' Shambler. ;) I don't understand all I know about SMP or the diskless/headless deals or not a whole lot about the GPU clients. I do know I'll get a better understanding and more knowledge about any method of folding if I just read and retain some of the posts by our unselfish knowledgeable members. I love to read, but unfortunately, I'm not so good on the retaining part as I'd like to be. :(

Hell, I didn't mean, in my previous post, that you should limit posts to this forum or any forum, in fact I'd encourage it, that's what the whole forum idea is all about. What I was tryin' to say, like I've heard before, "you never worry about the "big mouth" cause' you know where he/she's at, you worry about the quiet ones because they're the one's that'll be able to slit your throat".

On the cereal side I have to thank many members for their informative posts about SMP, both WinSMP and LinSMP, and the headless/diskless deals. Without the directions I have received from this great forum and other forums I wouldn't be able to have 2x E6600's doin' the diskless/headless thing or 2x Q6600's doin' the LinSMP clients and I'd have no ideer how to GPU. (when I either win a GPU or break down and buy a GPU)


relic, you're gonna change your shorts twice...
