Realistic Online FPS?


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 6, 2003
Hey I'm an old hardcore America's Army and Point of Existence BF2 mod player and I'm wondering what recently released games are similar to these. I like a real slow pace calculated team work online gameplay experience and am not a big fan of arcadish online shooters. Any recommendations?
I'm in the same boat. I like RO and specifically Darkest Hour (mod for RO). While RO is nothing new, I think your best bet might just be waiting for AA3. I know I am.
You could try insurgency or project reality. Both of those would be up your alley and are free mods.
Insurgency is well worth a look. You could also check out True Combat Elite, a mod for Wolfenstein Enemy Territory (all completely free)
2nd vote for ArmA
Best realistic FPS there is.. it's less of a game and more of a learnign how to play FPS tool.
Insurgency is pretty realistic, this mod is what you are looking for.

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is fun...but not realistic.
Wow Insurgency looks right up my alley, hell yeah. Sorry for the vague question but I've been out of the FPS gaming loop for a couple years and I appreciate all the suggestions. I just happen to have bought the Orange Box this weekend so I think I'm gonna give Insurgency a try. I see a few others mentioned I want to check out as well. Glad to see Project Reality is still being worked on, it was just a starting up when I quit gaming a while back. Gonna put it in my queue.
Insurgency is fun, but over time feels watered down and lacking smooth, continuous gameplay.

Red Orchestra is amazing if you're into WW2.

Call of Duty: World at War is not much of a simulation as far as weapons go, but you do get iron sights like in Ins and RO, and it gets pretty crazy when played on Hardcore mode (no HUD, takes very little damage to kill someone). Definitely an immersive game in case you'd like realism in that aspect.

Forget the Vegas series.
I think the Rainbow 6 Vegas series deserve some credits

Its technique of taking covers and leaning out to shoot is unique, and IMO, very realistic, compared to a typical shooter where we are actually facing a wall aiming at it, and occasionally lean sidewards to shoot

In real life, soldiers don't do that, they do something similar to R6 Vegas style where they really lean against the wall to take cover. They don't face walls, but lean against it
I think the Rainbow 6 Vegas series deserve some credits

Its technique of taking covers and leaning out to shoot is unique, and IMO, very realistic, compared to a typical shooter where we are actually facing a wall aiming at it, and occasionally lean sidewards to shoot

In real life, soldiers don't do that, they do something similar to R6 Vegas style where they really lean against the wall to take cover. They don't face walls, but lean against it

Yeah, it's a cool concept on paper and makes for unique gameplay, but at the same time ruins the "realism" by letting you see what's going on around the corner without so much as peeking your head out. In a pure FPS where you "face walls," you're exposing yourself to be able to look around a corner.

Say you're supressing someone and run out of ammo - you decide to dash to the next cover.... that person, having a 3rd-person camera, knows exactly when and where to blindfire or pick you off. Kinda cheap. In an FPS, he'd be actually taking a chance and risking the fact that you might have drawn your pistol and waited for him to peek out.

So... Vegas... cool game. If you want to call it realistic, then you're only talking about its wall-cover animation.
Yeah CoD4 is pretty fun, I've played it on at a friend's house but definitely not what I had in mind.
Yeah, it's a cool concept on paper and makes for unique gameplay, but at the same time ruins the "realism" by letting you see what's going on around the corner without so much as peeking your head out. In a pure FPS where you "face walls," you're exposing yourself to be able to look around a corner.

Exactly. Third-person is like a wallhack.
I still have a soft spot for the shooter that really got me going on FPSs. Day of Defeat. Fantastic game.
Exactly. Third-person is like a wallhack.

well, to be fair, it's not like your opponent doesn't have the same advantage :p

If you're playing with a group of friends, I still maintain the R6 is a pretty strategic game (I guess the same could be said for TF2 too though lol). It's certainly not a run and gun shooter
well, to be fair, it's not like your opponent doesn't have the same advantage :p

I've thought about that as well, but I think there's no justification to have that advantage in the first place. Fair doesn't necessarily mean realistic.
I suppose the word realistic in this context could be open for interpretation. Although L4D may be a stretch....
If you have an Xbox 360, get Battefield Bad Company that game will rock your socks.

At first I HATED this game.. felt like you had to unload clip after clip into a guy.. Turned out I just sucked at aiming.. Spray, and pray really didn't work.

Now I love the shit out of this game.

For PC though.. BF2, and AA still have pretty devoted following. :)
Project Reality

It's a free mod for BF2 that gets rid of all the "arcade-y" things from the game. They changed pretty much everything (except for the engine). I've been playing for ~2 weeks and am loving it. Considering BF2 is only $10, it's well worth the price to get it then get this mod.
As far as most realistic games go... Project reality is hard to beat. The focus is on team, as in real life when you have to come togother to make a plan work plus the fact you have to squad up. The only draw back to Pr is that the gameplay is too slow for a lot of people because of the HUGE maps. If you can find a full 64 player server, it is a lot of fun.