Reallocated Sector Count

Sep 18, 2008
I checked crystal disk info today and found that my storage drive had a big yellow CAUTION over it. Under reallocated sector count i have a nice warning next to it. It's 1TB Barracuda i've had for about a year, and its about 99% capacity (2GB left). I'm just wondering is the error because its completely full or is it a sign of a soon dying drive. I have it on a network that plays media between all my roomates computers whenever they want, and they haven't complained of any file errors when playing movies. I've stress tested the hardrive moving several GB files back and forth, and the Raw values never change.

Is this just general harmless manufacturing errors or possibly a serious problem in the future? Hardrive never hiccuped, and never clicks. I still stream media from it with no hiccups. I can't actually backup the drive because it's my largest disk and all SATA ports full. Picture included for details.

Is this just general harmless manufacturing errors or possibly a serious problem in the future?

Could be either. Watch this attribute to see if it grows daily. At work where I have 200 drives or so I have had drives with 50 or so bad sectors last 3+ years. I have also seen drives start out with 14 bad sectors and see that grow daily such that in 2 weeks the number was over 2000 and the drive was totally unreliable. The key is if the number is stable you will be generally okay. If the number continues to grow the drive probably has a head problem.

One thing you can do now is run a program that reads every sector. Then see if the number of bad sectors goes up significantly from 0x00000037. If it goes up a little repeat and check the number again.
Well that makes me slightly feel better. I'll be checking on it daily to see if the values increase. I'm definitely not looking forward to having to find a way to back up this drive if it dies.
I'm definitely not looking forward to having to find a way to back up this drive if it dies.

If you have any irreplaceable data on the drive I would make a backup to an external disk using windows backup ASAP.