Really long monitor cables


Oct 12, 2010
So my friend has a old ass radeon x1650 and he got a 50 foot dvi to hdmi cable and the vc doen't find the tv with the long cable. tried another cable and it worked no problem. Do y'all think a more better vid card with more power would push through that long ass cable? the vc he has isn't powered by any pcie cables off the power supply.
I have a 40 foot hdmi cable I've used with different video cards to my sony hdtv, both ati and nvidia, without issue, although none as old as that card. hard to say exactly what the problem might be. I haven't heard of any amperage changes/increases in display outputs, but i suppose it's possible. Might be more of a luck of the draw scenario
Have you made sure the 50ft cable actually works? It might have a break in it internally.
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I did a 50ft run with HDMI cable worked fine on 4x and 5x series of AMD Cards, would think it's more of a cable thing. I get my cables from either parts express or monoprice and both seem to work fine.

+1 check the cable,
Oh check on your tv, make sure the HDMI port is always on or selectable. I had a friend where i had to do that, cause the tv couldn't detect the cable was plugged in for some reason.
HDMI cables break very easily, especially if they are monster brand. I've had a few of those break on me. They have a good warranty though.
so what you're saying is the only selling point for paying 10x as much for a cable is actually false? Jesus are people being ripped off...