Rear Speaker Placement?


Feb 15, 2007
I understand that rear speakers should be placed to the side and not the back but with the space limitations I have to deal with, I am thinking of mounting my rear speakers (Logitech Z-5400) to the wall behind my couch. Speaker stands would get in the way because behind the couch is the bathroom door. Would it be okay? Would I still experience the surround sound? I'd like to hear from people that have got a similar setup before I drill some holes into my wall. :confused:

How far is the back wall from the couch? Your setup will be fine so long as it is not too far back. You can compensate for the distance by setting output db higher on the rear speakers too.
How far is the back wall from the couch? Your setup will be fine so long as it is not too far back. You can compensate for the distance by setting output db higher on the rear speakers too.

I would say it's at most 3 feet from the wall to the couch.
That's good then. A friend of mine has his ten feet back from where he sits and it is ok but not optimal. 3 feet is fine.
Yea, looks more like a bed than a couch. And his bathroom is behind the bed, er, couch. Maybe he is a male prostitute?
my rear channel lives on the wall, in a layout VERY similar to yours. worked great until I 'sploded my satellites - should work great again in a couple days when I can pick up some Bose 301s
Why Bose301s? They are overpriced and you can get better for the same money. But that is a discussion that needs it's own thread.