Reasonable pricing for small website creation?


Feb 18, 2004
I am the unofficial (read: unpaid) IT everything guy for my dad's small business. I have just recently finished a long project upgrading almost every IT resource they have.
The new weak link is their website. It looks like a retarded 6 year old designed it while having to fight off an attack by rabid monkeys.
However, I suck at web design, and any attempts at creating a new site leave me frustrated. All we really need is about 6 pages at most of professional looking design. There are only 2 parts I would like that are even moderately complicated: a form on one page that allows people to send email to my "sales" mailbox on my exchange server, and a "news/updates" page that is easy for end users to update, and will put new updates at the top of the page, pushing older updates down.
What would be a reasonable amount to expect to pay for this, and does anyone have any people/companies that provide this service that they recommend?
Would be a pretty simple job to complete. Although more information would be required before an acurite quote could be made.

Provide some more information ie Webserver that would be used, what database would be available, development platform. Be wary of anybody who doesn't start out with the simple questions and doesn't provide you with a requirements document that is agreed apon. I can asure you it will save you time and effort in the long run.

In saying that, it sounds like a simple job but from experience "simple job's" usually have a few nasty requirements that increase time and of course cost. For basic web development I'd be charging around $50NZD/hour (around $30US).

If you would like a quote send me a PM.
Bumping this thread. I will probably be looking to get this work done in the 1st quarter of the new year, so price ideas appreciated. Also, if you do this kind of work and would be interested in taking on this job, please PM me with some examples of your work and rates.
Darkstar, you've posted that your their unpaid IT source and that you've done all the work there. You've also stated that you "suck" at web pages. But my idea is for you to do the site creation yourself. Look at the number of great folks you have in this forum. This forum in it's self is a great tool to do and learn things. What I'm getting at is you know everything else about the company why not also know the web presence. Surf the web and get a basic idea of what you would like the site to look like and then you also know the company and start bouncing ideas off the members here to come up with an idea that is fantastic then go from there. As long as you are making a solid effort on your own to create the site the members will surely help you in every aspect of it. You have the time and you'll end up getting everything and then some that will make it stand out. Plus you'll get the benefits of learning something and something you can take more pride that everyone that is interested in the company will see. This will also make it easier for later changes and updates that you know they will call on you about. Once you get the basic idea that you are looking for it will take you no time to get it up and running. Everything you need is right here in front of you on that screen in this forum. IMO the hardest part is making the graphics.

I know this isn't what your asking but it was just my thoughts and idea about the project. Your already in up to your elbows might as well jump the rest of the way in.
i dunno, making it look professional, that usually involves imaging and all that stuff too, thats why i cant be bothered to learn all of it... yet its so interesting.. :rolleyes:
I, too, suck at webdesign (just design, not backend stuff). Because of this, I googled and came across a number of places that offer free templates. They're not always spectacular, but then again, many are. They're created by people who are experimenting with certain design and coding styles, and just want to get it out there. Give this route a try. You'll save money and also learn some stuff along the way in terms of customization and using someone elses product.
Jgedeon said:
Darkstar, you've posted that your their unpaid IT source and that you've done all the work there. You've also stated that you "suck" at web pages. But my idea is for you to do the site creation yourself. Look at the number of great folks you have in this forum. This forum in it's self is a great tool to do and learn things. What I'm getting at is you know everything else about the company why not also know the web presence. Surf the web and get a basic idea of what you would like the site to look like and then you also know the company and start bouncing ideas off the members here to come up with an idea that is fantastic then go from there. As long as you are making a solid effort on your own to create the site the members will surely help you in every aspect of it. You have the time and you'll end up getting everything and then some that will make it stand out. Plus you'll get the benefits of learning something and something you can take more pride that everyone that is interested in the company will see. This will also make it easier for later changes and updates that you know they will call on you about. Once you get the basic idea that you are looking for it will take you no time to get it up and running. Everything you need is right here in front of you on that screen in this forum. IMO the hardest part is making the graphics.

I know this isn't what your asking but it was just my thoughts and idea about the project. Your already in up to your elbows might as well jump the rest of the way in.

Well, when I originally decided the website needed an update, I was going to do it myself. I even borrowed dreamweaver and fireworks MX and photoshop from a friend. However, after struggling with it for a while I realized that I really was not interested. I am not a particularly artistic person, and I really do not enjoy creating graphics, etc. I am much more into networking and PC/Server hardware than I am webdesign. I figure I will stick with what I am good at, and let the web dev experts do what they do well.

The other problem with doing it myself is time. I have a full time job, a career that I am trying to advance, certifications to work on, am trying to learn linux on my own, and on top of all the computer related stuff, a girlfriend and some poker buddies. I do this setup and admin stuff for my dad as a favor, but since I don't charge him for it, he regards my time as free. I do not want to get on the hook for the website as well, and having a cost associated with it will make it less likely that they will want it changed on a whim twice a month.

Ok, since Ravin wanted to see it..... here it is.
Be nice.
to be honest that really isn't bad compared to a large number of websites I've seen for smaller trade related websites. I'd agree with the recommendation of doing it yourself, a website doesn't have to be chock full of photoshoped images to look clean and professional.
Stupid2 said:
to be honest that really isn't bad compared to a large number of websites I've seen for smaller trade related websites. I'd agree with the recommendation of doing it yourself, a website doesn't have to be chock full of photoshoped images to look clean and professional.

I'm with Stupid! :p

Ummm... what I meant was.... that the site isn't that bad for a small-biz that has almost NOTHING to do with computer technology. Still... needs a facelif :D