Reasons why you love your console over PC!

That used to be true. To get the full gaming experience you had to have both since there were so many excellent PC only games. That's not really the case anymore. I can get everything I want on a console. Why buy consoles and maintain a gaming PC when consoles gives me everything I need?

I completely agree, there are no more "real" exclusives to PC anymore. Everything is ported to the console today.
Fight games, and for children who are too young to use a PC or you don't trust to use your PC.
i used to be a hard core PC gamer, now like a lot of gamers, (for me its getting older) i am tired of upgrading and then it not being good enough 3 months down the road, i just want to play games when i have the time, no fuss , and i find that playing games on my 40" HDTV with full home theater is just more fun than on my pc.

Just seems easier to pop in play a game and relax with the girlfriend on a quiet weekday night.

but this is/was a big reason for me as well, the gf and i have played resistance FoM, we are playing Halo 3 now, plus Rockband, and we have a great time doing it. she hates playing games on a pc but was willing to give consoles a try.

Plus the PS3 was worth every penny for the blu ray player, i upgraded my 40GB drive to a 160GB it is a great media hub.

my 360 is new and was a complete impulse buy, but it has a large game selection so it opens other avenues for more games.
I am really going to dig deep here.

1) Allows me to play with the less tech savvy in my family
2) Fits in a backpack
3) Everyone can play one one screen
Great games are optimized for consoles.
Don't need to upgrade every year or so.
Console Plusses
61" TV and wicked comfy couch

PC Plusses
Quad core and 8GB RAM + 8800GTX

Hmmmmm, I Like em both
I dont.:eek: when was the last time you bought batteries for your PC??
60 bucks a game???
The damn gamepad.

Just dont like them much.;)

Then, according to the numerous disclaimers on the original post which were even COLOR CODED to avoid CONFUSION, this thread is not for you, but thanks for playing.

As far as those saying that consoles still fail, sure they do! But I like the idea of sending the console in to ONE company no matter which part on it fails. On a (custom built) PC, if my video card fails once, my sound card fails once, and my motherboard fails once, I'm sending and receiving them one-by-one pretty much forever. On a console, if you keep getting problems on a repaired/refurbed unit, they will usually send you a new one. :)

And I STRONGLY agree with what many of you have said about being able to play with a more diverse crowd of people who do not have the interest and/or time to fiddle around with their PC hardware.
I used to be really into PC gaming. I have completely abandoned it. I thought it would be a hard move, but I haven't missed it at all. Every single game I have wanted to play has come out on at least one of the consoles I own. I am going to own consoles either way for the exclusives, so dropping PC gaming all together saves me a lot of money.

Same here... I doubt I'll ever upgrade my PC ever again.

Hearing the PC elitists brag on and on how about how they will get the "better looking" GTA 4 whenever it comes out is funny, because by the time I'll be playing the next hot thing, while they are just now getting GTA 4. Sure, your GTA 4 will be slightly better looking, but I'll have already played the game to death whenever Rockstar throws you a bone and decides to port it.

Oh, another plus for the consoles, is they don't have to deal with shit like Punkbuster, a piece of shit program that bans legitimate users and does nothing but hog resources. Same with the DRM shit in Bioshock now too, for the PC.

I actually also like DLC a ton too... I'd rather pay small prices for a a handful of features that I can pick and choose, then wait for an expansion pack that probably isn't worth the money (and considering most of them are coming out at $40 now too).

Hell, I sold CoD 4 on the PC, and plan on picking it up for the 360, since that's obviously the best version of the game... never thought I'd be hearing myself say that, but you can tell Infinity Ward loves the console versions over the PC.
Why do PC advocates always bring up "new" pricing for console games. When I bring up.. "well then RENT IT FOR 5 bucks"... Usually this statement gets disregarded, and then not shortly after do I see someone else bring up "but console games are 60$ each".
I like the easy auto aim on consoles because why should I have to work or have skill for a headshot in single player mode?
I'm an admitted Halo fanboy who got Halo 3 at 12:45 AM on the day that it was released. I've also enjoyed a fairly large selection of other console games.

That said, I am currently revisiting the first Halo on the PC, and am enjoying the ability to use mouselook.
I like having 3 year old PC without having to build it.Just go to the store plunk down my money and walk out with shiny outdated hardware..
I like having 3 year old PC without having to build it.Just go to the store plunk down my money and walk out with shiny outdated hardware..

How would the be different from going into a store, plunk down money, and walk out with a shiny outdated PS2?

PC hardware, both CPU and GPU are steadily improving and at a certain point even the most mainstream PCs will make for formidable gaming machines. I really don't think the personal computer is something that is going to be abandoned by developers.

I mean we have World of Warcraft which has an absolutely fanatical fanbase, and Starcraft II which is a PC exclusive that will probably be a monster hit.

I think the PC platform is here to stay but right now the consoles are hitting their peak. The games are more expensive to make than they used to be and so developers need to appeal to the broadest player base possible. Also it is a question of resources--how many platforms can a developer target at once?
I like the easy auto aim on consoles because why should I have to work or have skill for a headshot in single player mode?

Heheh, why'd you stop there? Why should you have to work or have skill for a headshot even on multiplayer? Yeah, it still takes skill, but the autoaim in Halo is awfully suggestive.