Rebate BS - XFX $40 rebate from Xmas


Dec 24, 2006
Ok, I was one of the lucky ones that bought a XFX 7900 GS back in december, for $175 w/ a $40 mail in rebate. I got my card 1st week of Jan, cut out my UPC / Serial number from the box, attached that with a paper clip with my mailin rebate form / newegg receipt, mailed out my mail in rebate at the end of that week.

I checked on the a couple weeks back and stated that they have received it and processing. Its been about 7 weeks so I logged back in and NOW it states...

"We did not receive an original serial number label with your request." Which is such BS. Now I KNOW (200% sure) I sent in the UPC / Serial number. I tried to contact newegg and of course they referred me to XFX.

Anyone else have problems with mailin rebates from XFX? I'm about to give them a piece of my mind. I've never had much luck with mail in rebates years ago, so I figure I'd give it another whirl since newegg wouldn't offer it it they wouldn't deliver.
When a business/company has to send you money back, they either be complete assholes about it or don't do anything at all.
Ive got one from Canon that still says I never sent it in, and I sent it 3 months ago. Its for $300, yep im not happy.
I bought an HP printer from for Christmas with a $40 MIR. Sent in the UPC from the box with receipt, and got a card in the mail saying the same crap.

MIR generally suck...:(
I make copies of everything before sending in a rebate and haven't been ripped off in a while. I think I had a rebate with XFX as well without a problem.
Please PM me all the needed information so I can help get this resolved for you.

XFX Support
I've never had any problems with rebates and I've had many. For example I just bought a new fridge, stove, dishwasher, microwave,washer and dryer..I received $600 back in mail-in-rebates..tell me that wasn't worth it?
There will always be rebates as long as people are induced to
buy because of them unfortunately.
They said they did not recieve "AN ORIGINAL" (not yelling) upc. So how does sending in a photocopy work?

I had the same problem a year ago. All I could do was write a letter (with my copy of course), and not even get a response. This was eVGA I had a problem with ($59). How can you not be upset?

Did the company handling the rebate loose it? Can you imagine if they get to keep the percentage of unclaimed rebates? Lol, that could be why so many turn up unaccounted for. It would be like a lottery. "I don't like this name..he sounds like a ream schmuck." Hehe, I'm not saying thats how it works, nor trying to get people crazy mad - Like hitting a bee hive with a baseball bat. RUN! More than anything else I am curious. What can you do? Sue them for the $money$...maybe you could. Is it worth the time? Sigh. Anyway...Argh froking bastids!
Let's wait a bit to see how XFX handles it. One of their reps did offer his help here, after all.
I've never been stiffed on a MIR, but I'm very careful to dot every "i" and cross every "t", plus make photocopies of everything. Also, if they have a status web site, I always print out what the page says when I go there. It helps with problems when the site changes status.
Rebates are simply a way for companies to entice you to buy something by telling you the price is lower than it actually is, then they'll use every excuse available to NOT give you the rebate.

My advice is to just avoid them. My dad always taught me "If it's too good to be true, it is."
I haven't had a problem with rebates. A week ago i received a $65.00 check from the rebate of my BFG 7600 OC video card.