Reccomend a card for me


Sep 26, 2006
my matrox g400 is giving me troubles. here is what I want:
easily dual head capable
easy to set up in linux (gentoo) with full acceleration
has to be AGP
I dont game much anymore but still do occasionally so the faster the better
budget is $100 (flexible)
looking at 9800 pro 256 but I havent watched this stuff is a couple years so I may not know up from down anymore. My gaming card now is a GF3 ti500
system is:
abit be7
p4 2.66 @ 3.0
512 MB DDR soon to be 1GB

I also need a cheap pci (not e) dual head card for another box, any suggestions?

If your gona use linux go nvidia since they have better drivers then ati. I have a 6800GT AGP for $100 with dual head DVI pm me if your interested.
Yeah Ati and Linux is a nightmare just went threw it this weekend. 2D is fine but I wouldnt expect must in the way of hardware acceleration. You have to use the Vesa drivers or at least you have to in Debian.

I would recomend Nvidia
the 6800gt might be a good bet. I have a thermaltake purepower 420 power supply and am running 4 hard drives (1.1TB woo.) and 4 random case fans. the only other card is an audigy and a tv tuner. is my power supply sufficiant or will I need to up that?
tb311 said:
Thanks for thats awsome link DeChache

No problem its a benefit to having no life an crusing around [H] for half the day.
I bought a card, kind of spur of the moment at the compusa sale. I got a BFG 7600 gs oc 512 for $150. got home, put it in, emerge nvidia-drivers, wrote an xorg.conf from memory (getting good at that...), startx... works fine, first time. dual heads and all. i'm pretty impressed. Thanks guys! :D :D :D

overlord ono # glxgears
20130 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4025.920 FPS
22165 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4432.907 FPS
22147 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4429.332 FPS
22153 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4430.598 FPS
22125 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4424.976 FPS
X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).