Recertified DD-WRT Router NETGEAR WNR834B-100NAR B/G/N $23 AC FS!

"I'm not a crook"

Limp Gawd
Jul 27, 2007
Pretty HOT IMO.
Apply coupon code EMCLTPL75, NO rebates, Free shipping!

How to put DD-WRT on this bad boy:

Note: There is a version 1 and 2 of this router and the instructions are different, I don't know which you will get, but make sure which version you have and search for the How-to before attempting to flash it!


edit: Apparently they are recertified due to a faulty power brick, so thats an easy fix for the manufacturer.
No, it should work with larger builds as well from what it looks like. You just flash with the mini to begin with (common on most routers). It has 4mb of RAM so it can do the standard releases.
iin for one. its not a gigabit switch in there, but i dont really need that anyway. i wanted wireless n though for speed and range, hopefully this router is decent. for $23, its worth a shot.
I've bought 2 in the past; one went to my brother in law, the other is currently being used in my house (both on Netgear firmware). No problems with either router...very nice routers. First Netgear products I've had that didn't give me trouble. :D
I've been strictly Linksys ever since a wired Netgear about 8 years ago kept dropping my DSL connection every minutes. :( The WNR834B though, I haven't had any issues whatsoever with either of them. I was going to flash to DD-WRT but the stock firmware has been enough for me in the features department. ;) I ended up buying one just to have a cheap N router (since I already had the WRT-54G v5 which was also trouble-free). I ended up about a year ago just plugging in the Netgear to try for a few days, and I haven't went and unplugged it yet. :) Other than a power cycle or two after a nasty thunderstorm/power 'flicker', it's been flawless. :cool:
any chance tomato firmware will run on it? i really like the monthly tracking of internet usage, its how i make sure i bleed comcast of every 250gb every month.
I bit too. Hope it doesn't suck. I currently have an Encore ENHWI-N2, just trying another kind for fun.
aldamon, since you bought two, try putting tomato firmware on one and see if it blows the router up or works just fine.... we need to know.
How is this if I just use it as-is? If the firewall portion decent??

I've got a Buffalo G router right now that I may flick the switch on to set in bridge mode and use as an AP off this thing. The firewall interface on the Buffalo sucks ballz...
Noob Question... (sorry)
With DD-WRT, can I use this router to bridge with a AP to extend the range of a network?
Just a friendly FYI for those of you intending to put DD-WRT on their router.

1) Follow the Install Notes found here
2) You must use the CHK file in the instructions, step #1 (right click - Save As), othewise you may brick the router.
3) Mega build do not work on this router because their isn't enough RAM. Not a biggie.
4) Do not flash any builds that end in "VINT" that means vintage and its only for old routers.

wiki doesnt know everything. there is a chance it just hasnt been updated, or nobody has even tried to use tomato on this router. thats really what were trying to get at.

and i didnt want to start a debate on which firmware is better. tomato is better in some ways, notably the gui, and that is coming from a guy who used to swear by ddwrt. its not a huge deal either way, i just really, really like tomato.
The problem with it not being officially supported is that anyone interested in using Tomato on this router is going to have to recompile the code and do a bunch of work. If it's possible, and it may well be, it'll be a project so I just don't see the value of trying instead of just using a supported router (unless you like projects :))
I have no problems with my D-Link DGL-4300. But at $23 shipped for a wireless-n, why not.
Thanks OP
The problem with it not being officially supported is that anyone interested in using Tomato on this router is going to have to recompile the code and do a bunch of work. If it's possible, and it may well be, it'll be a project so I just don't see the value of trying instead of just using a supported router (unless you like projects :))

ill try and get used to ddwrt then... and continue to cry for tomato support.

i wonder if this router supports external antennas... i need to make this partly directional...
omg newegg reviews-

"Pros: Excellent N router with DD-WRT support

Cons: Slightly bulky when compared to Linksys.

Other Thoughts: The Netgear Firmware is a lot more stable than DD-WRT. I need to reboot the router once a week.

This router does not support Tomato "
Got mine today. All these refurbished routers seem to be shipping with the faulty power adapter. Are there any cheap alternatives?

I'm not a crook";1034304673]Just a friendly FYI for those of you intending to put DD-WRT on their router. 1) Follow the [URL=" said:
Install Notes found here[/URL]
2) You must use the CHK file in the instructions, step #1 (right click - Save As), othewise you may brick the router.
3) Mega build do not work on this router because their isn't enough RAM. Not a biggie.
4) Do not flash any builds that end in "VINT" that means vintage and its only for old routers.


Okay, I flashed it to the CHK version is step one. Works good, but what is the newest version of the regular DD-WRT for this router? The site has a lot of different versions and I don't want to install the wrong one.

Great deal, OP! I was just talking to my wife last night about how slow her crappy AP is. Problem solved. :)
J32P, I know its hard to find shit on their site.

I did some searching earlier and found the thread that has the latest builds on: Link

Personally I'm going to use the "dd-wrt.v24-12307_NEWD_mini_wnr834bv2.chk" file. Then in the How-to section there is a tutorial on how to enable JFFS, which is directory it will build on the router so that you can add stuff. Personally I want to see AutoAP work, there is a (JS) file that "ilja" (posters name) made, and you can find it HERE, you dl that JS file (renaming it as instructed) and put it in the newly formed JFFS directory on the router.

If you don't give a crap about AutoAP, then you might want to use the standard build (which will have more stuff over the mini build), its in the BrianSlayer directory and called "dd-wrt.v24_std-wnr834bv2.chk".

Since they are preparing builds meant just for the WNR834B, I would suggest to stick with them.