Recommen me a card to replace 4850 XFire


Limp Gawd
Jul 20, 2002
One of my 4850's is flaking out on me...want to switch to a single card that wont break the bank and that will be part of my new build in a few months...any recommendation?
Are you looking for something to simply replace your current setup (with similar performance) or something that would also be an upgrade in terms of performance?

4850's in Crossfire will give you 5850 level performance unless the game has some odd scaling issue with crossfire.

A bunch of the new 6-series AMD cards are coming out soon. You might hold off for one of those, or at least, have a chance to pick up a ~5870 as prices come down. When the 5870 came out I was able to buy both of my 4870x2 cards for less than the cost of a single 5870. I expect similar deals on older used cards as the new generation is released.
I plan on upgrading next year so I want something that will give 4850CF now and even better perfomance when I upgrade.
How about a single GTX 460....would that give the same or better performance at 1920x1200 as my current 4850CF setup?
How about a single GTX 460....would that give the same or better performance at 1920x1200 as my current 4850CF setup?
You might be at a little performance loss with a single 460. I think a big upgrade for you would be a 5870.
ill buy that working 4850 if it has a reference cooler on it and the right price

Best advice would be:
Wait until the middle of next week for advice.

The first cards in the 6000 lineup will be shown next week (already official), so even if what you want to buy isn't a card from those shown, there is a very real possibility for those card to shake up the price of the current lineup for both ATi and Nvidia, dropping them and opening new choices :)
You might be at a little performance loss with a single 460. I think a big upgrade for you would be a 5870.
That's a pretty big hit in the wallet...will wait and see thanks :)

ill buy that working 4850 if it has a reference cooler on it and the right price
Replaced the cooler with a water block...and therm glued heat sinks...think I would just use it in the wife's computer..when its time :)

wait for the 6xxx series to debut and get benchmarked.
Definitely waiting to see what happens next week...just wanted to see what my options were if the 6xxx flops and nobody wants them :)
Seems like my $250(at the time) 4850CF investment was better than I thought ...served me well it has...
Thanks all
unless you really want something

i would say wait even after they are out to get some rebates and stuff
check here. your 4850s are equivalent to a 4850x2, so a 470 would give about equal performance and then you can sli it later. or get a 6870 which should be about the same performance but possibly cost less than a 470 and you can xfire that later.
Waiting to see what happens with the 6xxx....really don’t expect to see price drops before black friday though don’t know if I can wait that long :(
I upgraded from a 4850 crossfireX to a 5870 and there is a significant performance improvement. So my advice would be to get a card even better than a 5870. Don't be tempted to buy the 6870/6850, they are slower than the 5870. Wait for AMD 6950/6970.
I planned on moving up from my 4850 crossfire to a 6870 crossfire, but it's probably not going to be enough of a performance increaes to satisfy me, as I planned on going with one 6870 to start with, then another down the when games started running like ass. Since I plan to keep the cards for about 2 years, I'm going to hold off on my investment for the next 2 months and see what competition and new generations bring us.
In for a 6850....if the price war continues maybe I'll CF...don't think my PSU could handle a 6870 without issues....not ready to upgrade that yet....thought about a 460 setup...but my current board doesn't support SLI...I'll limp along along until next year then do a new build form me