Recommend a hard drive?


Limp Gawd
Aug 8, 2004
Can anyone recommend a good, quiet, inexpensive hard drive thats as fast as possible? I need 80gb minimum. My current seagate 80gb is loud as a mofo and im looking to replace it, I had a deal from a guy on the forums for a 74gb raptor but due to my current splurge for 2gb of ram I can no longer afford it. Thanks in advance.
yea my fault, I should have looked those damn stickies are so hard to see at the top of the page :p Im thinkin that the Maxtor maxlines look nice so any mods u like please delete this thread.
check newegg, I jacked a pair of 200GB SATA Seagates with 5yr warranties (Factory Refurbs) for 97$ each. Rocks as my Raid0 rip storage.