Recommend a UPS


Jan 5, 2007
I was wondering if anyone have any recommendation on a UPS. It doesn't seem like there are any reviews for these things.

I need something good for my PC that is in my signature and willing to spend up to $500 if the features and price justify the cost.

Thanks in advance!
I'd recommend an APC, my dad has a 1500VA one and it's very nice.

I have a Belkin 1500, it's nice, works. Sends a lot of AC buzz noise when it falls back to battery, and it's software isn't as nice and polished as APC's in my opinion.

Just keep in mind, the VA rating != Watts. The 1500VA's I think are rated to supplying around 820W of power, which is quite a bit overkill for my computer. For your system your probably going to want at least an 800-1000VA UPS.
Ditto recommendation for APC.

Do you want long run time on batteries or just time to shutdown? If the latter, you don't need a monster UPS. Go to the APC web site and use the UPS selector tool - you put in the info on your computer and what kind of power backup you want and it recommends the capacity for that. You may only require 500VA or less if all you need is shutdown time.
I've had a APC XS1000 for a few years now. At one point it broke down, I called APC and they sent me a NEW ONE for free, and I got to keep the broken one. AWESOME customer service
I agree, APC has great customer service. I picked up a few XS800/900's (RS series, BRXXXX) when CompUSA was going out of business. You shouldn't need to spend over $200. Don't forget to take into account your monitor. An 800VA - 1200VA should suffice.
I bought my APC Back-UPS XS 1300 when they were on sale for ~$120 and I've been pretty happy with it. It doesn't support the high-end diagnostics features more expensive units do and it's just stepped sine wave approximation (entirely adequate for PCs), but it gets me ~30 minutes of run time with the system in my signature plus all of my networking equipment, a cordless phone, and a clock. With my tube instead of my new LCD, it was about ~18 minutes.