recommend any good FREE mmorpg


Oct 18, 2002
anyone know any good rpg's out with a good population thats free? I was thinking about something thats still in the beta testing, and that would be free. I've always been a fan of online rpg's, but i spend most of my time working and the rpg's that require a monthly subscription wouldnt be worth it at all. I can probably put in about 3-5 hours of gameplay a day only, so paying monthly would be a waste. Any recommendations would be GREAT!!!
ruthless- said:
I can probably put in about 3-5 hours of gameplay a day only, so paying monthly would be a waste.

3-5 hours a DAY? That's a lot of time you can devote to an MMO. I don't know of any worthwhile MMO's in beta stages, or even free ones that are worth it. I'd recommend Guild Wars. You have to actually pay for the game, but there is no monthly fee.

MapleStory is a nice little MMORPG with tons of players. I am having a lot of fun with only 1-2 hours a day. The game will always be free, and they rely on people paying money for items to support themselves. All of the items are obtainable through looting though, it's just that if you want to spend a little money, you can get them a little more easily.
ekorazn said:
jk, that was totally a lie...:?
That's why I made the "stick out of tongue" face. I don't believe in idiotic stereotypes like that, nor should anyone else. :)
Basically there are no really good free MMORPGs, Majority of the Korean MMORPGs that are free are actually in Open Beta and go P2P in a year or so. This is the RO stratagy, they Beta for 1-2 years and then go P2P, poeple are hooked so they pay...

Guild Wars is not an MMORPG or anything like one... whoever thinks it is doesn't know what a MMORPG is...
ruthless- said:
anyone know any good rpg's out with a good population thats free? I was thinking about something thats still in the beta testing, and that would be free. I've always been a fan of online rpg's, but i spend most of my time working and the rpg's that require a monthly subscription wouldnt be worth it at all. I can probably put in about 3-5 hours of gameplay a day only, so paying monthly would be a waste. Any recommendations would be GREAT!!!

3-5 hours a day means an average of 4 times 30 days a month equals 120 hours of play per month. Take 120 hours divide by 15 = 12.5 cents per hour. Man, you are a cheap SoB :D My wife even charges me more than that.

I know you said you are looking for a game in the beta stages, that is free, because the monthly subscription would be a waste, but if you can devote 3-5 hours a day to an MMORPG, you really should look at WoW. 3-5 Hours a day is plenty to make good headway in WoW. Considering it takes about 12 days of played time to hit 60, (this is not straight questing, but leaves some time to explore and fool around). You need about 288 total hours to max your level out. With an average of 4 hours a day you could hit the level cap in about 2.5 months. IM guessing you would reach it sooner, as we all tend to play a lot more on the weekends.

Anyways, I know I am suggesting something contray to the limits you defined, but I just wanted to show you the math.

RPGWorld...surprisingly good...the graphics are 2d, nothing special, but the gameplay is very well done...played it for a couple years before I decided to take my life back :D
I would say jump onto one of the free servers for UO or L2, as long as you find a client to download it is no problem and both are great games ....

I have no idea if I am allowed to post free server links here, I guess if you want them pm me .....
Be different - Go with a good text-based online RPG. (Also known as a MUD or MOO or various other things.)

I personally play on
I played Kal Online until World of Warcraft was released. I still hop on occasionaly because I felt it was an amazing game considering it's free. If WoW never came out and my friends didn't play it, I'd be on Kal again. The graphics are actually pretty nice and the game itself is quite enjoyable.
Personally, I would say Anarachy Online would be your best bet at the moment.

Also, don't believe everything you read, just because Guild Wars says it is an MMORPG on the box doesn't mean it is.....
well..uhh....what is the definition of an MMORPG then cause im confused if its not one.
phoderpants said:
i found a great free mmorpg. you get your own avatar and you get to set up a shop, battle PvP. pretty cool.

here it is

Ha! My eight year old sister is hooked on that. Anyone over the age of ten who plays that needs to be shot.
If you are a fileplanet subscriber, you can play Everquest 2 until next August for free. But, you can't power up past Level 6. That's where i'm getting my mmo fix.

ruthless- said:
anyone know any good rpg's out with a good population thats free? I was thinking about something thats still in the beta testing, and that would be free. I've always been a fan of online rpg's, but i spend most of my time working and the rpg's that require a monthly subscription wouldnt be worth it at all. I can probably put in about 3-5 hours of gameplay a day only, so paying monthly would be a waste. Any recommendations would be GREAT!!!
SocceRich20 said:
Ha! My eight year old sister is hooked on that. Anyone over the age of ten who plays that needs to be shot.

i played that game when i was in 7 nth grade. but they banned me for money laundering, i had like 17. they delated all my charecters and blocked my ip
another vote for Maple Story....

Its a tad kiddy, but the higher you level the more fun it is.

Maple Story FOR THE WIN!
dont play shitty free mmo's

go all out and pay for a good experience or stay away from those evil life suckers
pagoon said:
Wrong. Guild wars is.

Wrong. Guild Wars is NOT a MMORPG. Its a CORPG (Competative Online RPG). Don't believe me ? Hear it from the horses mouth ...

GW is similar to a MMORPG but doesn't work like one. Everything but the towns is instanced, meaning you're NEVER going to run into someone running around questing, you're in your own instance. The ONLY place you meet people is in the towns, its really just like Diablo 2 sort of ... you meet people in a channel (town) form a group and start your quest(s).

GW is definately massive but not in the same terms as a traditional MMO, and Arenanet has explained this in great detail. Anyone who thinks GW is a MMORPG is mistaken and/or lacks the ability to read.

Next time, do a little research.
zamardii said:
If you are a fileplanet subscriber, you can play Everquest 2 until next August for free. But, you can't power up past Level 6. That's where i'm getting my mmo fix.

Umm... you must not need much of a fix. There's only 3-4hr, tops, of gameplay on noobie island (which is where you're limited to on that trial).