Recommend Axiontech for purchases?


Limp Gawd
Apr 14, 2002
Anyone here familiar with or done business with Axiontech? I know they're the "modern" Directron operation, but I've never dealt with either company before.

Bizrate's ratings are not recorded properly, for some reason, and Axiontech's Resellerratings ratings are by a bunch of 1-time posters who give it glowing reviews. Always wary of stores that might "pad" their stats on Resellerratings.

Of course, I might be wrong -- I'm trying to buy a Biostar microATX motherboard from them, and I want to make sure it's not going to be a nightmare.

Any input would be appreciated.

Last try before I abandon the thread -- can ANYONE actively recommend Axiontech. They have a Biostar mobo that I can't find anywhere else in stock right now. I'm wary of their ratings, 'cause they're all glowing AND from people with only 1 review. Never know if those ratings are stacked or spammed in favor of a vendor.

Chime in if you've done business with them recently.


Alrighty -- THIS is the last post before I drop the thread. I mean it. ;)

Seriously -- has ANYONE done business with Axiontech?

I have done business with Axiontech, but to be honest, I've mostly bought stuff from the "Quicksell" department.

In the last year, I've purchased a couple of Adaptec 29160 Ultra 160 SCSI controllers, a couple of Adaptec 2940U2W SCSI controllers, as well as several 3Com PCI 10/100 ethernet cards, and a few older video cards, and each time, they've come through quite nicely.

Shipments arrived in the expected time frame.

I haven't had to return anything yet, so I cannot comment on their RMA processes.

I still comb through the Quicksell area for older / used stuff, just to see what I can get, since there are some truly excellent bargains to be had.