Recommend DS game for an 8 yr. old girl


Limp Gawd
Jul 29, 2004
My daughter turns 8 at the end of the month and has said she wants a new DS game. The problem with licensed kids games is so many of them suck horribly and non-kid specific games I have a hard time telling if they're easy enough for her. So if any of you have kids around that age do you have any suggestions?

she's already got nintendogs, new SMB, and princess peach and was mad that i sold wario touched.
might pick up catz, she already has horsez at her mom's house.

Can an 8 year old really play animal crossing? From the reviews it seems like something she'd like but I wasn't sure how complicated it was.

Thanks for the suggestions.
Animal Crossing is just awesome. It's perfect for little kids (and adults alike). Gotta love that game!

It's not very complicated at all. There's some depth to it, but you don't need to go into that depth to enjoy the game.
I found some puzzle games for my kid. And he plays Mario Kart sometimes.
I help my parents pick out games for my little brother (just turned 8), or they end up picking out terrible ones. Some of his favorites: Mario vs Donkey Kong 2, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Sonic Rush, NSMB.
thanks everyone. i think i'll get her animal crossing and either catz or hamsterz. (she already has kirby, mario kart and brain age too)
you're an 8 year old girl........and puzzle quest is fun and she should like it, and don't forget anything mario like the new super mario game or mario kart
Phoienix Wright! Turn her into an attourney!

Unfortunately the logic demanded by the cases will likely surpass the capacities of a child. It still pushes MY buttons, and I've had practice in critical thinking exercises. Maybe it would be a good game to play WITH his daughter, though the DS isn't exactly a system that is conducive to collaborative efforts.

If you want to teach your daughter how to develop logical arguments (might make things tough on you during the teenage years ;)) go for it, but if she has anything better to do she just won't be interested in stressing her mental facilities. Fun adventure game, though.