Recommend Me A CPU


Dec 17, 2005
since the recent scam that took a hold of me.. i trashed my whole buying an awesome laptop and resume my dream of building a PC. Right now.. all i got is a video card and a pc case. please recommend me a processor! my budget at the moment is 700 even..(that includes my budget for a motherboard, hard drive, ram,)

but if i want memory so badly.. i may cancel my ebay auction and get my ram back.
Get a VIA Eden CPU. Or some sort of Cyrix. :p

Really, get a cheep single core Opteron.
single core optys are good

but if you shop around for $700us you may be able to get dual core, a motherboard and hd and ram
Via the Egg, not the cheapest place

opty 165 = 327
2 gigs of PC4400 = 273
+ mobo of your choice ;)
alright, i believe my case has 450 watt pwr supply.. opterton .. alright thanks!
IF you are getting an opty 165 and planning to overclock it, MAKE SURE you get a mobo that can take high HTT speeds. It only has an 9x multi so youll be at 300 when you're at 2.7ghz (Very possible overclock).
Jakalwarrior said:
IF you are getting an opty 165 and planning to overclock it, MAKE SURE you get a mobo that can take high HTT speeds. It only has an 9x multi so youll be at 300 when you're at 2.7ghz (Very possible overclock).

QFT, the biostar T-Force is an excelent mobo, I can up to 333 with it (havn't tried higher), although I did chose the X2-3800+ over the 165 cause of price/multiplier. Wanted to idiot-proof my building of my high end system, fortinitly it is the first build I did without breaking anything

First Time broke motherboard, second time broke motherboard&cpu, thankfully my last build went smoth although it took me 12hours to complete it, oh well now I think I could build a computer in less then 2hours without breaking crap now.
3800 x2 $300
dfi ultra d $120
2gb g.skill hz pc4000 $160
decent 550 watt psu $120

or save the cash and take your girlfriend to vegas for a night.
vanilla_guerilla said:
or save the cash and take your girlfriend to vegas for a night.
which are you more likely to keep for a few years, the comp or the gf? ;)
<----*pawned off spare computer parts so he could spend more on GF lmao, hypocrisy at its best*
ok i bought stuff for my computer.. unfortunately.. the motherboard i bought i was unsure if it can use an opterton or not.. and my friend was quite familiar with them so he helped me buy some stuff.

i picked out this motherboard because it looks funny (i've heard a lot of bad reviews and some good ones... XD, i don't mind): Sapphire PURE Innovation PI-A9RX480 Radeon Xpress $175.00

Processor: AMD Athlon 4000+ (it had some good benchmarks on games from, friend told me to get it) $336.00

Hard Drive: 74Gb Raptor (XD, lol) $160.00

and a basic dvd drive: $18.00

as for a girlfriend... i could say i have one.. but i would only be lying...such a cruel computer will be my girlfriend
HaX said:
ok i bought stuff for my computer.. unfortunately.. the motherboard i bought i was unsure if it can use an opterton or not.. and my friend was quite familiar with them so he helped me buy some stuff.

i picked out this motherboard because it looks funny (i've heard a lot of bad reviews and some good ones... XD, i don't mind): Sapphire PURE Innovation PI-A9RX480 Radeon Xpress $175.00

Processor: AMD Athlon 4000+ (it had some good benchmarks on games from, friend told me to get it) $336.00

Hard Drive: 74Gb Raptor (XD, lol) $160.00

and a basic dvd drive: $18.00

as for a girlfriend... i could say i have one.. but i would only be lying...such a cruel computer will be my girlfriend

honest question. whats the point of asking for help on the forum boards if you arent going to listen to any of the advice given?
i guess i just wanted more thought into what i was you know i said that my friend influenced my on the matter.. so none the less it was a recommendation from him.. either way i took the recommendations and considered both.. i know opty's are good but i was unable to find benchmarks for gaming with them.. and decided to go with the 4000+ when i looked at and saw that the 4000+ rated a little off from the fx series (in the ut2004 benchmarks).. and i know that opty are crazy at overclocking.. but this would be my first initial build and I don't believe ill be oc anytime soon. Either way.. i'm glad that people gave me recommendations..i guess it's just that looking at these benchmarks gave me better assurance and just decided to go this pathway.
my motherboard is a bottleneck im afraid.. while it doesn't really say it supports optys or x2 series... people have reported that when they put them in.. they get a reported memory error..but.. this is my first build.. im sure ill build another computer.. that is five times better when the time comes..

as for harddrives.. yea don't really need to much space...
HaX said:
my motherboard is a bottleneck im afraid.. while it doesn't really say it supports optys or x2 series... people have reported that when they put them in.. they get a reported memory error..but.. this is my first build.. im sure ill build another computer.. that is five times better when the time comes..

as for harddrives.. yea don't really need to much space...

Why did you buy it then, is it possible to send it back? If so I might send that mobo & 4000+ back and get something like a 3200+venice if you want to stick to single core, and the aformentioned biostar mobo, the 3200+ should OC to 2.6Ghz or more and then you would be about 200$ ahead of you current stuff. (no performance loss eather)
i'm pretty confident in what i bought... after all this is my first build.. bound to do upgrades or make another computer anyways.. i don't want to be just limited to one computer
HaX said:
i guess i just wanted more thought into what i was you know i said that my friend influenced my on the matter.. so none the less it was a recommendation from him.. either way i took the recommendations and considered both.. i know opty's are good but i was unable to find benchmarks for gaming with them.. and decided to go with the 4000+ when i looked at and saw that the 4000+ rated a little off from the fx series (in the ut2004 benchmarks).. and i know that opty are crazy at overclocking.. but this would be my first initial build and I don't believe ill be oc anytime soon. Either way.. i'm glad that people gave me recommendations..i guess it's just that looking at these benchmarks gave me better assurance and just decided to go this pathway.

The only difference that Optys have over the A64s is the Name and the amount of cash out of your wallet.