Recommend me a DVD player $100 - $150


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 17, 2004
So the DVD player I have now (set top, not htpc) is a POS, and as I recently increased in age ($$), I'd like to replace it.

I'm looking for another set top player, divx decoding would be nice, but not essential. I've seen some that do upsampling in the player itself, but I don't know how those compare to an HTPC solution or how they look in SD. Full complement of I/O, etc. Basically something of quality in the $100 to $150 range that will be with me for a goodly while hopefully.

Any ideas?

Thanks. :)

I am a huge fan of Denon DVD players. They work great.

My second choice would be Pioneer DVD Players.

I hate off brand players, don't like Sony, Toshiba works till it breaks (not long after).
Could you go $199? if so, the OPPO is great (has both upscaling, divx compatible, etc.)


Check out the standard-def dvd section of
mutazx said:
Could you go $199? if so, the OPPO is great (has both upscaling, divx compatible, etc.)


Check out the standard-def dvd section of

I second this as well, IF you have a DVI port on your screen. otherwise, it's pointless.
This is kinda off topic but there are a few dvd players that will upsample using componet cables check avsforum like the above poster mentioned.
The current best for the money is probably the LG LDA-511. I just got it not too long ago to sit underneath my DVP-642. :cool: Its about $160, but I found it with a rebate at Circuit City for $130. I don't know if they carry it anymore. I haven't seen it anywhere.


- Slot loading
- HDMI out, component out, composite out, svid out
- coax audio out, rca audio out, optical audio out
- Plays Divx, mp3, DVD-Audio, DVD's, CD's, RW's, etc..
- CF/SD/MMC card readers on the front
- Selectable HD-upconversion up to 1080i

Basically, its an awesome DVD player. I have it hooked up to my Samsung DLP 46'' HDTV via Component, and Optical Audio to my surround.. It looks amazing no matter what I put in it. It upconverts my DivX movies I burn into 720p/1080i. (says 1920x1080 on my TV when I pull up the diagnostic screen) If you have a good quality encoded DivX movie to start out with, it looks almost flawless. I can load movies onto flash cards and they even play off of them. (to test compadibility with the player before you waste a CD-R or DVD-R) It has a really nice file browser to select what movies you want, and you can even go into subfolders. So far, its played every movie or music video I've thrown at it, even Windows Media files. Its approved for up to WM9 I think.

I would honestly try hard to find this player. Its really worth it. If you liked the DVP-642, it plays all the same stuff, plus more, and it has a lot better quality video/audio.
wiretap said:
The current best for the money is probably the LG LDA-511. I just got it not too long ago to sit underneath my DVP-642. :cool: Its about $160, but I found it with a rebate at Circuit City for $130. I don't know if they carry it anymore. I haven't seen it anywhere.


- Slot loading
- HDMI out, component out, composite out, svid out
- coax audio out, rca audio out, optical audio out
- Plays Divx, mp3, DVD-Audio, DVD's, CD's, RW's, etc..
- CF/SD/MMC card readers on the front
- Selectable HD-upconversion up to 1080i

Basically, its an awesome DVD player. I have it hooked up to my Samsung DLP 46'' HDTV via Component, and Optical Audio to my surround.. It looks amazing no matter what I put in it. It upconverts my DivX movies I burn into 720p/1080i. (says 1920x1080 on my TV when I pull up the diagnostic screen) If you have a good quality encoded DivX movie to start out with, it looks almost flawless. I can load movies onto flash cards and they even play off of them. (to test compadibility with the player before you waste a CD-R or DVD-R) It has a really nice file browser to select what movies you want, and you can even go into subfolders. So far, its played every movie or music video I've thrown at it, even Windows Media files. Its approved for up to WM9 I think.

I would honestly try hard to find this player. Its really worth it. If you liked the DVP-642, it plays all the same stuff, plus more, and it has a lot better quality video/audio.

I remember hearing something about this a while ago. $200 is a bit out of my price range, so I'll see what else I can find out about this one.

Thanks for the feedback, all. If anyone has any other recommendations please mention them.

Looks like the LG DN191H is the replacement for the LDA-511. I think I'm going to head over to Best Buy and pull the trigger on this unit. I'll let you know if it blows up!
Unless the LG uses the Faroujda DCDi decoding chip, you can get better players in your price range.

Once you have compared one that uses that chip vs. one that uses any of the other mainstream offerings, you will never buy a DVD player without it again.

You would probably be able to pick up a Panasonic DVD-S77s for around that price range, which has that chip, if you can find somewhere that has one. I have the S97s, which is the previous model, but the only real difference was a firmwear update. I have to say I really love this DVD player as well, but it won't do DIVX.
nobody_here said:
if connecting to a HDTV, i highly recommend a player with Upconversion ability

there's upconversion, and then there's upconversion. ;)
NulloModo said:
Unless the LG uses the Faroujda DCDi decoding chip, you can get better players in your price range.

Once you have compared one that uses that chip vs. one that uses any of the other mainstream offerings, you will never buy a DVD player without it again.

You would probably be able to pick up a Panasonic DVD-S77s for around that price range, which has that chip, if you can find somewhere that has one. I have the S97s, which is the previous model, but the only real difference was a firmwear update. I have to say I really love this DVD player as well, but it won't do DIVX.

I second this, or find a used OPPO, it has the chip
NulloModo said:
Unless the LG uses the Faroujda DCDi decoding chip, you can get better players in your price range.

Once you have compared one that uses that chip vs. one that uses any of the other mainstream offerings, you will never buy a DVD player without it again.

You would probably be able to pick up a Panasonic DVD-S77s for around that price range, which has that chip, if you can find somewhere that has one. I have the S97s, which is the previous model, but the only real difference was a firmwear update. I have to say I really love this DVD player as well, but it won't do DIVX.

Agreed. With 100" screen you have to be pretty picky with your DVD players. Faroudja is the way to go.

Panny S97 or S77
Oppo 971
Zenith DVB-318 for upscaling over component

The new Toshiba HD-DVD player has some wickedly good de-interlacing though - very close to Faroudja. You can find it $350-$450. Consider it if you are spending that much money on a DVD player anyway.
Well, I'm stuck at SD for the time being. For me the divx/wmv/etc capability is more useful than a super HQ upconversion. The upconversion is more of a future proofing for me at this point. When I do make the HD plunge, I will be going to a Data projector/screen combo, but it will be some time before I make that purchase, though. I'm sure once I get there, I may want to look at upgrading again, but that's on down the road a bit.

BTW, so far, this has played everything I've thrown at it. one or two downloaded clips didn't have sound, but I haven't had the change to check codecs, etc to find out why. All in all, I'm pleased so far.

Thanks for all the feedback!

K10 said:
for a $200 budget, which is better: denon or OPPO. i've never heard of OPPO but apparently it's popular on avsforum and amazon.

OPPO is the high end branch of another well known company (I just can't remember which). They're good players. What Denon are you finding for $200? Most equal ones for the oppo are over $400.
lopoetve said:
OPPO is the high end branch of another well known company (I just can't remember which). They're good players. What Denon are you finding for $200? Most equal ones for the oppo are over $400.

The cheapo Denon players are shit. I am assuming you mean the 1835 or the 556s. The 756s is the first Denon you should even think about starting to look at.

When you pick up a DVD player and you get the same sensation as when you pick up one of those foam rocks thinking it is a real rock, that is a bad thing.

Uzor -

Do yourself a favor and when you get a projector, get one designed for HT use, not data. With very few exceptions the data projectors offer wildly off color gamuts and poor black levels (think about what they are designed for - to produce high impact (not necessarily accurate) images in non-darkened boardrooms.
The boy doesn't know the trouble he's stepping into, mentioning projectors... ;)