Recommend me a game...Not FPS.


Nov 12, 2006
I'm needing a new game, but I don't want another shooter. Anybody have any recommendations? I'm a fan of RPGs and such. I don't have hardly any new PC games that were released within the last 2 years or so... Maybe Oblvion?
I have NWN2. One of the few games I've purchased for PC new in quite a while.

As for my PC, it has an E6600 at 3.4ghz, 7900gs, 2gb ram, etc... Not great, but not bad...
not fps? why not? Well try The Witcher great reviews, great everything about that game, Have u played portal? While it is technically an FPS its a puzzle game...
not fps? why not? Well try The Witcher great reviews, great everything about that game, Have u played portal? While it is technically an FPS its a puzzle game...

I have enough FPS to last me a lifetime. For PC all I play is BF2 or CSS. For 360 I play Halo 3 and CoD2. I wasn't a fan of HL2s single player, so I'll buy that game when its price drops. Crysis has good graphics, but I must say other than that, it isn't very good...
Age of Mythology Campaign ... pretty fun if u havent played it yet
Empire Earth online with a friend is pretty fun too
Age of Empires III & Expansions are pretty enjoyable too
Black and White 2 plus Expansion, awsome game if u give it a chance... hate or love
Sacrifice... old game but still pretty good rpg rts
Elder Scrolls ... pretty much anyone of the saga for me
Rome Total War
You could try psychonauts. Its not a RPG but its currently free on Gametap.
If you like RTSes, check out Company of Heroes, Command & Conquer 3, Supreme Commander, and World in Conflict.
If you like RTSes, check out Company of Heroes, Command & Conquer 3, Supreme Commander, and World in Conflict.

i hope the OP doesnt mind...but i have been contemplating a RTS type game myself, was torn between World in Conflict and Total War....but Company of Heroes look nice too....hrm....which to get...
I'm not big into RTS games but I loved Company of Heroes. It felt like I was part of a Band of Brothers Episode.
You could try psychonauts. Its not a RPG but its currently free on Gametap.


Psychonauts, one of the BEST games I've played in a few years. Sure it was built for the original xbox and as such isn't crazy beautiful, but damn what a fine game.
The Witcher, and Oblivion plus its expansions.

With The Witcher it's fun to replay with different focus on your character, say more magic use than blade. It's also fun to replay on different faction sides or simply neutral if you have done both factions.

If you want the uncensored version of The Witcher order the DVD from GoGamer that has an I by the title name. Below is a direct link for the lazy-

With Oblivion I'd highly advise doing the guild quests, quests from random NPCs and exploring random dungeons across the land. If you enjoy playing something like a Paladin character definitely try the Knights of the Nine expansion. I enjoyed The Shivering Isle too.
If you like RPG's, try The Witcher or a modded Oblivion. Unmodded Oblivion is just meh.
If you like RTSes, check out Company of Heroes, Command & Conquer 3, Supreme Commander, and World in Conflict.

I will second this post, all of these are great games to get away from the FPS genre. Also, if you have not played some of the older C&C games you can look into those also, graphics may be sub-par* though they are just as fun.

*By sub-par I mean dated.
curious if this is the case? Do any of these fantasy RPGs have a limited focus on magic?
I have not played a fantasy RPG in a long long time. I was leaning towards trying Oblivion.

I played KOTOR I (and loved it) but based on many comments I read about KOTOR II I'm not sure I'll like it. Would love any comments on this game.

For something different I would suggest Civilization IV, very good game. I always hear great things about Company of Heroes, I actually liked the demo but am such an accuracy nut with WWII games I decided I did not want it... I might change my mind on that.
The Witcher

A top game, just finished it at the weekend and I haven't enjoyed myself as much in a long time. Very professional, great storyline and script, with some very nice visuals. Well worth a look (especially if you get the 'proper' EU version!).
Well if you like RPG's Definetly get "The Witcher". make sure you get the european version though for all the explicit content, trust me its worth it.

Also , look into Heroes of Might and Magic V and the expansions, I just got inot playing them with a friend and there really fun. And of Course Oblivion if you havent played it to death by now :)
curious if this is the case? Do any of these fantasy RPGs have a limited focus on magic?
I have not played a fantasy RPG in a long long time. I was leaning towards trying Oblivion.

I played KOTOR I (and loved it) but based on many comments I read about KOTOR II I'm not sure I'll like it. Would love any comments on this game.

For something different I would suggest Civilization IV, very good game. I always hear great things about Company of Heroes, I actually liked the demo but am such an accuracy nut with WWII games I decided I did not want it... I might change my mind on that.

I have KoTOR 2 for the PC. I bought it for PC because of all the xbox bugs and slow framerates. Although it isn't quite as good as the original, it still is a fairly good play.
I have KoTOR 2 for the PC. I bought it for PC because of all the xbox bugs and slow framerates. Although it isn't quite as good as the original, it still is a fairly good play.

I actually prefered KOTOR II to I, the NPCs a much better developed IMO (only time I've ever hated a NPC), the story is a bit more involving, again IMO, I prefer the Exile to Revan, only minus is that it's marred with a rushed ending for which Lucas Arts, not Obsidian, is to blame... (Go buy it as fast as you can, you should be able to find it around $10-15 and it's well worth that and more IMO).

Now on the subject of what RPG's to get. If you have never played Oblivion you should certainly consider it, you can come by it fairly cheap these days and if it proves to be a winner you can get the expansions too. A small warning though; it get's repetitive and personally I have found the monsterscaling to an absolute nuisance.

I trust you have played PlaneScape:Torment, as old as Fallout I and II sure but it's by far the best RPG ever made for the PC.

I haven't played the Witcher, so I can't comment on that. I will be getting it though, once my finals are over in mid January.

Have you been playing any of the "hybrid" FPS games like Bioshock (greatest game this year IMO), GTA:SA or even Max Payne 2? Those might be for you... :)
Well if you're looking at Oblivion, you should check out Morrowind as well - I started with Oblivion, modded the hell out of it, got bored after like 25 hours of play time (which barely got me started on the main quest). Morrowind and both expansions can be had for like $10 shipped on Amazon, and doesn't need to be modded to all hell to be good.