Recommend Me a Wireless Keyboard & Mouse


Feb 19, 2005
Hey guys, been a long time since I've posted up on here, but I figured the users of this site are the most credible for hardware advice, and have never been steered wrong in the past. :)

What I'm looking for now is a wireless mouse and keyboard to replace my Saitek Eclipse and Logitech MX518. When I had bought these several years ago, I had been playing alot of games, but thigns have changed and I spend most of my time on the computer doing music production and graphics design. Having taken this into consideration, I want something that would be appropriate for my needs. I also have a pretty strong desire for something aesthetically pleasing, with a sleek modern design. It's just as important that I don't compromise build quality for aesthetics. I need something that'll last.

Thanks for your help, respect!
So I've checked out a few of these elitekeyboards and really like the simlified minimalstic look. However it doesn't appear that any are wireless. Why is that? I have never owned any wireless keyboards / mice in the past.. are they generally of less quality? Thanks again.
I'm currently using the Microsoft Comfort Desktop 5000. I came from a Logitech mouse, so it has taken me awhile to get used to the ambidextrous mouse. The keyboard is easily the best I've used though.
I'd go with a Logitech K800 or K750 for the keyboard, and a G700 or Performance MX for the mouse.