Recommend me my first digital camera


Limp Gawd
Jun 28, 2004
My friend just purchased a Nikon D70s for himself with a few lenses and whatnot and the pictures he has been taking are superb. I am looking to get into this hobby myself. I have little to no experience with photography other than cheap digital cameras and their autoshoot options. I have around $500-750 to spend on this maximum and I am looking for the most quality I can get for this price.

Thanks in advance
For a first camera, I would suggest a Canon S2-IS. Its cheaper than the price range your talking about (its about 325-350 right now) and it has a lot of bells and whistles. I bought mine as a starter camera (my first digital although I have had high quality 35mm in the past) to get me by until I could afford something in the $1000 dollar range and I don't think I will be upgrading anytime soon. I'm very happy with the quality and features.

There is also a Canon S3-IS right in your price range which is the newest version of this line. I dont have any personal experience with it though so not sure if its worth the extra bucks.
I wouldn't say run out and buy a dSLR, better equipment doesn't automatically make better pictures.

Learn about photography, technical and artistic aspects of it. I'd go and buy a Canon A620 or something like that, it has enough settings you can play with (aperture, shutter speed, ISO... basically ALL you need) and it'l lteach you about photography.

Also, I'd go on ebay and buy a used Pentax Spotmatic or K1000. I'd prefer M42 mount lenses, since they are CHEAP and good.

Buy a fully manual mechanical camera, and apply your technique and artistic ability to a film SLR. And if you're really into the hobby, then save up for a nice dSLR.

This way, it's far cheaper than buying a dSLR, and for the really REALLY nice shots, you can pull out your film SLR and shoot some slliiiiddee... mmmm
Canon S2 or S3

Or something with IS built in. IS is worth it......

But I went from a Sony F717 to DSLR, and love it. I would never go back.......