Recommend me some DS games


Jul 23, 2004
Got a DS and I gotta say it's the fuckin shit! Wife loves it too.....even more so than the Wii which is saying alot.

I think I've skimmed the best games but she wants more. Got mario64, new mario bros, cooking mama, Pheonix wright attourney, trauma centre, brain train, animal planet, metroid prime and mario kart.

Anything else worth owning?
Both Castlevania games are great. Just make sure not to get animal crossing like I did, because then you're going to have to buy your wife her own DS... like I did.. :p
I dont own one, just sold them for a year (at best buy.. now in the computers dept.. big step up haha). Ive played a bunch of games but reactions from customers and reading reviews is what is going to be the basis of my recommendations

Advanced Wars, Animal Crossing, Texas Hold'em, Sonic Rush, Worms, Warioware, Yoshi's Island

I wish i had the money for one.. ive done so much traveling this year it would have been worth it. Ah well. Enjoy!
I've got Sonic Rush, Final Fantasy III, Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow, Hotel Dusk, Tetris DS, and New Super Mario Brothers. All are fun games.
Advance Wars is great on the go and has tons of replay value. I am currently playing Etrian Odyssey and it is a pretty good old school RPG.
What type of games do you like?

I actually run a DS news site, so my suggestions would probably be all inclusive. You may end up with a list of 30 games. :p