Recommend me some imput devices


Limp Gawd
Sep 17, 2004
I just finished my first HTPC build. I want to play some games on my big TV now. I need a wireless mouse and keyboard preferably in a set. What should I buy that will give me good response at about 15ft away from the box. Thanks in advance.
none of the standard wireless stuff will work fromt hat distance. you'll need blue tooth or one of those pricey IR sets. the gyration is suppowsed to have good range too.
The gyration units have great range though if you plan on playing games I wouldn't recommend them. They tend to have a slower response time than an IR or BT unit.
damn thats too bad, isnt logitech supposed to be releasing some longer range wireless stuff?
usb extension cables can solve the 15 ft problem... just move the receiver a little closer to the sofa when you want to play (it's what I have to do with my MS Desktop Elite.)

I've also thought about running usb cables around the baseboards to a usb hub hidden somewhere near the sofa, but what can I say... I'm lazy
I use the Logitech Cordless Desktop Express at about that far away for my X-Box. I don't use one with the HTPC yet.