Recommend to me my next RPG


Mar 8, 2008
I need another decent RPG, so recommend away

Ive played recently
Fallout 3 and 1,2
Baldurs gate 1, 2
Neverwinter nights (all)
Neverwinter Nights 2 (all)
The Witcher
Mass Effect
Oblivion an other elderscrolls

I am open to suggestions
Torment wasnt on your list, nor the KOTORS.

And Vampire (source engine) is awesome. If you get that, make sure to use the big fan-made patch. Good stuff, fun game. Good for at least 2 playthroughs.

There is also a far older Vampire rpg, uses a overhead view but is still 3D, probably came out around BG2.
I second Vampire: TMB if you haven't played it.

Also I would mention the Gothic series. The first 2 are available on GOG (the 2nd one is the best of the series, imo).

I liked them better then morrowind, though the controls (especially the first one) will take time to get used to, it's a bit obtuse but you get used to it after a bit.
I second Vampire: TMB if you haven't played it.

Also I would mention the Gothic series. The first 2 are available on GOG (the 2nd one is the best of the series, imo).

I liked them better then morrowind, though the controls (especially the first one) will take time to get used to, it's a bit obtuse but you get used to it after a bit.

I havent tried either or those games so I will definitely look into getting them. I heard very negative things about Gothic 3 though. Would you advise to stear clear of the third and just play the first two?
Neverwinter Nights was the Best! I am also looking for something New! Thanks for the thread!
Have you played Planescape: Torment? or Temple of Elemental Evil? Icewind Dale 1+Expansion, or Icewind Dale 2? Jade Empire?
WoW is awesome if you just play it solo. I mean yeah, you can use the auction house and the occasional pug but this still leads to a somewhat enjoyable experience. just don't get caught up in the whole equipment/drops/end-game raid stuff and you'll enjoy yourself. very enjoyable.
Baldurs Gate
Baldurs Gate 2
Icewind Dale
Icewind Dale 2
Fallout 2
Planescape: Torment
Divine Divinity
Sacred 2
Diablo 2
Temple of Elemental Evil
Jade Empire

If you want the best of the best, than I suggest Planescape: Torment or Baldurs Gate 2
KotOR I is awesome. The sequel is worth playing but don't expect the same magic and excitement as the first.
Definitely Planescape: Torment
And if you're willing to play a classic I'd also highly recommend Ultima 7: The Black Gate
Hack and slash rpg's
Titan Quest+expansion
An awesome Action rpg after patching Vampire: TMB.
Or the BEST story driven rpg you will ever play- Planescape Torment.
I havent tried either or those games so I will definitely look into getting them. I heard very negative things about Gothic 3 though. Would you advise to stear clear of the third and just play the first two?

Well, when it came out it had a lot of bug problems, etc. It was an ok game (and continues the storyline from the first two games) but at the time it came out many people were absorbed with Oblivion and it seemed a bit of a rush to get out.

The developers were pulled off the series and never had a chance to really work on fixing things up that much.

So if you enjoy the first two after playing them then I'd say you'd enjoy the third one, just know that you'll likely have a few problems with it and such.
Torment wasnt on your list, nor the KOTORS.

And Vampire (source engine) is awesome. If you get that, make sure to use the big fan-made patch. Good stuff, fun game. Good for at least 2 playthroughs.

There is also a far older Vampire rpg, uses a overhead view but is still 3D, probably came out around BG2.

Which patch do you speak of? about Arx Fatalis? I vaguely remember playing this, a bit buggy though if I recall.

8.0 at IGN.
Here's another vote for KotOR. Awesome game, I couldn't stop playing it. Too bad the second was unfinished really:(
If you want something light king bounty is fun - Arx Fatalis is not bad. It took a while to get into it and if you don't use the walk throughi it can get very hard as some of the clues are quite weak but it was certainly worth playing and i wish that company had done better.

wizardry 8 was also a lot of fun but a bit hard to find these days.

I never got very deep into planescape - graphics quite weak but i did just finish boulder gate 2 a few months ago and it was fun.
WoW is awesome if you just play it solo. I mean yeah, you can use the auction house and the occasional pug but this still leads to a somewhat enjoyable experience. just don't get caught up in the whole equipment/drops/end-game raid stuff and you'll enjoy yourself. very enjoyable.

even though I'm not and have never been into WOW, this post kinda falls on its face. How many people out there have NOT played it by now? are you just trying to get a perk from Blizzard for a referral?
even though I'm not and have never been into WOW, this post kinda falls on its face. How many people out there have NOT played it by now? are you just trying to get a perk from Blizzard for a referral?
nah.....some people haven't played wow believe it or not. personally i haven't played the game for at least a year but when i did play it was pretty much solo or with rl friends and family or the occasional pug.

he didn't list the game so i mentioned it as alot of times wow is left out of the "rpg" mix because it is known as an "mmorpg". it's an rpg nonetheless and a fun one.
KOTOR 1 definitely.
KOTOR 2 I suggest as well but it isn't nearly as good as the first due to being rushed. However, it's still a good game.
Jade Empire is another great game. The story is really good and I liked the combat a lot better than KOTOR. It was surprisingly addicting and I had a tough time turning it off.

I am loving Vampire: Bloodlines. I dont have the latest patch out but I definitely dont know how I missed this one. Surprisingly good graphics for 2004, I am very impressed. I like the dark perspective that this game has taken in opposition of your traditional RPG. I would definitely like to see more "dark" RPG's released.

If anyone knows of a decent database of mods for this game, let me know
I need another decent RPG, so recommend away

Ive played recently
Fallout 3 and 1,2
Baldurs gate 1, 2
Neverwinter nights (all)
Neverwinter Nights 2 (all)
The Witcher
Mass Effect
Oblivion an other elderscrolls

I am open to suggestions

You've pretty much covered the best RPG's released in recent years for the PC already. Very slim pickings for RPG fans I'm afraid. The Witcher showed how well a great RPG can sell, hopefully other devs will take note.

Planescape Torment is another possible, but now aging. There are also the Gothic games, but I never really got into these. There is also Sacred 2, some seem to like it alot. Never played it myself. You could also try Two Worlds if you're grasping at straws..
Oblivion is the best PC RPG I have played. It has my easy recommendation.
I am loving Vampire: Bloodlines. I dont have the latest patch out but I definitely dont know how I missed this one. Surprisingly good graphics for 2004, I am very impressed. I like the dark perspective that this game has taken in opposition of your traditional RPG. I would definitely like to see more "dark" RPG's released.

If anyone knows of a decent database of mods for this game, let me know

You probably missed it because it came out the same time as Half-Life 2. A bad marketing move.
You probably missed it because it came out the same time as Half-Life 2. A bad marketing move.

Ok, Im going to catch the inferno for this one but, I havent actually tried Half-Life 2 yet. Prior to last year I didnt have a computer capable enough to run games (at all) and missed some of the priors. I still looked into games wishing that I could play them, but havent gotten around to Half-Life 2 yet (or one for that matter). Im thinking of picking up orange box here soon as I beat Vampire, and Titans Quest.

Thanks again for all the suggestions
definitely KOTOR - its one of the best RPGs ever imo.

you play any japanese rpgs? you could buy FF7 for the PC.. that's another all-timer.