Recommended RAM for BFBC2?


Jun 17, 2005
Hey guys,

I didn't want to build a new computer, but am pretty much forced to just to play for BC2. How much RAM would you guys recommend for this demanding game? I ordered 4GB DD3 2000 today, and now, I'm beginning to worry that it's not enough.

Here's the in-progress setup so far:
- Asus 5870 1GB
- Asus M4A89TD Pro
- AMD Phenom II X6 1055T 2.8Ghz
- OCZ 4GB (2x2) Platinum
- Win7 64 Enterprise
- Shitty SATA II 400GB hd (will upgrade)... accidentally dropped my 74GB raptor RIP.

Current system below (in my sig - absolute best 5 yrs ago) is not cutting it anymore.

thx in advance

**Mods: if this is the wrong section, please move and i's been awhile and i dont know where else to ask
get 8 MB. Not that you need it, just memory is like a penis, you can always use more even though others say it doesn't help. :)
you shouldn't be having problems with your config at 4gb ram.

There's likely a configuration issue with your build. Honestly that's a pretty beastly system for gaming.
Thx guys.

There's likely a configuration issue with your build. Honestly that's a pretty beastly system for gaming.

muzzle- I ordered the mobo, ram, and new cpu today and haven't actually built this config yet.

I'm still rocking an Asus A8N-SLI, Athlon X2 4400+, and 2GB RAM. I do already have the 5870 and threw it in there to see if it helped BC2 by itself; it barely improved. L4D and other HL games still bang like a champ. BC2 is a gdamn ex-wife of a game... takes everything you have and dont have.
my mistake, I read the post as you had it configured.

That new build should suit you well : )
Truthfully, you won't notice much difference above 1333. Some, but mostly for benchmarks. At that point the ram is already lightning fast.

I think you will have more trouble getting that ram to run at 2000mhz than anything else. You might wish to research the ram and see what settings people use when running it at 1600.

I know with my i7 to use 2000mhz ram you need to overclock the northbridge on the cpu for the memory controller to be able to handle that much speed.
I've done bc2 with 8/6/4gigs of ram, didn't notice a difference. Your rig will eat that game up once you overclock that bad boy.
BC2 likes CPU, and graphics more than RAM. Your 5870 was getting choked to death by that X2. This new system should run BC2 very nicely. I too am on a single 5870 (sig rig) and can run BC2 butter smooth with 4xAA/16xAF, I turn HBAO or whatever it is off and everything else maxed. Although, I recently turned off Bloom because it is easier to see while in a tank.
4gb is perfect, I've run everything on max with my system in sig. Less stress on memory controller as well!
test that ram as soon as you get it. OCZ has fallen apart with there ddr3 ram tonnes of issues. Get this Memtest.