recovering data from a HEALTHY raid

Oct 1, 2004
So here's my situation. I had a system I built with dual raptors in a RAID, on an a8n32 sli deluxe motherboard years ago. I used the nvidia raid configuration on the motherboard. The RAID itself is still healthy and all my data is still on it, but the motherboard took a crap on me.

I've now built a brand new system, but I need a way to get some of my stuff off of that healthy nvidia raid configuration. Would I need to find someone with another a8n32sli deluxe motherboard to make it the raid work again so that I can get the stuff? Or...anybody have any other brilliant ideas?
I wonder if dmraid on linux would work. It is what is used to access the fake raid like on nvidia motherboards (turns the /dev/sdX devices into the raid devices /dev/mapper/nvidiaXXXX). AFAIK its all open source and wouldn't actually require motherboard support but I am not 100% sure about that.
RAID 1 or 0? Would a drive from a RAID 1 array be readable in another system by itself?
So here's my situation. I had a system I built with dual raptors in a RAID, on an a8n32 sli deluxe motherboard years ago. I used the nvidia raid configuration on the motherboard. The RAID itself is still healthy and all my data is still on it, but the motherboard took a crap on me.

I've now built a brand new system, but I need a way to get some of my stuff off of that healthy nvidia raid configuration. Would I need to find someone with another a8n32sli deluxe motherboard to make it the raid work again so that I can get the stuff? Or...anybody have any other brilliant ideas?

In short, no it would not work in your new system. You need to find either that same mobo, or one with the same NVRAID chipset to extract the data.
If i found a mobo with that same nvraid setup, could i boot into dos and copy the my documents folder to a usb drive or something?

My buddy has a8n sli deluxe, which has the same nvidia raid on it
I do not think dos would work (no dos driver for your fake raid) however, you could boot into a linux livecd and copy your files. If you have no linux experience I recommend picking up a ubuntu livecd.