Red cases that aren't an internal nightmare?


[H]F Junkie
Jun 17, 2004
OK, so my five-year-old boy is getting a PC build for Christmas. I'll be recycling some parts and getting him some new stuff. However, since he's five, aesthetic is important.

Therefore, I want to get him a case that is primarily red.

However, I also want it to not be a nightmare internally. It should have decent flow and not hinder me from keeping the cable management clean.

Any of you guys have any cases you like that come in red?
the phantom 410 or 530 depending on the amount of hardware you want to put in them.
the phantom 410 or 530 depending on the amount of hardware you want to put in them.

I would second that, the only other case I can even think of that is red is the Bitfenix Aegis but its mATX.

Go NZXT they make quality cases