Red Checkered Squares on 9800 pro

Aug 29, 2000
I recently had to take out my raid 0 raptors and in order to remove the tray they're in i have to remove my agp card. So i did, and everything went fine. However when i put the 9800 back in and flipped the system on, it boots but now i have red squares all over my post screen. I haven't let it get far enough to see if it does it in windows but if it does it in post, i am 99% sure it'll do the same shit in windows.

Now i'm currently running a PCI card to finish my format, but i'm wondering wtf could have happened to the card?! I took a look all over the card very very very very closely, and its fuggin clean as all hell. I would love to be able to eat off this thing its that clean. Aside from the normal dust near the fan its glistening. I'm completely stumped i have no idea.

Am i fucked?
Should i just keep my shitty PCI and buy a 6800 Ultra? (fanboys stay away, while i liked the image quality on my ati, personally i do not prefer ATI.)

Is there anyway to repair this or could someone at least inform me of how i could go about finding out whats wrong?
Personally, I would return it if you don't think u did anything wrong and yet your money back if possible. If not possible, get a new card, but ATI fan or no, you should wait to see what they are offering before you do anything. Btw, you might want to plug it in and see what happens when its actually in windows, it might work as stranger things have happened.