Reddit CEO: Some Communities Shouldn’t Be Here at All

I like reddit -- the fact I can find awesome fucked up stuff is the REASON i go there..

Wanna start censoring things? groups? ideas? fuck you we will go somewhere else. Free exchange of ideas -- if you don't like hitler based tentacle rape porn, nobody is forcing you to look.
I salute Reddit and anyone else pursuing the hitler tentacle rape porn perverts across the internet and shutting their shit down.
I like reddit -- the fact I can find awesome fucked up stuff is the REASON i go there..

Wanna start censoring things? groups? ideas? fuck you we will go somewhere else. Free exchange of ideas -- if you don't like hitler based tentacle rape porn, nobody is forcing you to look.

Your username says it all :rolleyes:
You know place has serious problems if its got a fucking subsection for "Fat haters" Seriously?
Anyone can create a subreddit, which is why there are several hundred thousand but only around 10,000 with daily activity. There are probably dozens of anti-fat subs lurking in obscurity. Does it matter?
Historically the creativity of the Orientals were to duplicate and mimic cultural attitudes but they never create their own directions. Only the Japanese came unable to keep up against WWII. However, if the U.S. goes up in the flames of multi-cult we might see a revival of Japanese.
Historically the creativity of the Orientals were to duplicate and mimic cultural attitudes but they never create their own directions. Only the Japanese came unable to keep up against WWII. However, if the U.S. goes up in the flames of multi-cult we might see a revival of Japanese. is that even REMOTELY related to this? :confused:
I think this proves that the whole internet activism thing with petitioning to get rid of a CEO for enacting policies that make people upset pretty much means absolutely nothing when that CEO resigns and the new one says basically the same thing. It just means that the acting CEO left for reasons other than noise from the web and that the voices of the socially maladjusted are as marginalized online as they are in real life no matter how much they scream and pout. :) Totally awesome of Reddit leadership to stick it to the people that are deluded enough to think they're some kind of community or something.
Cliff Note version: This women is a bitter and controlling bitch that throws a temper tantrum when she doesn't have her way and makes it off to be due to "sexism" and "Misogyny" in the workplace.

That about sum it up?
Pretty much.
That's not really fair. A very small, but noisy percentage of Reddit users are responsible for those things. Look through the top subreddits and you'll find that it's actually very orderly and has virtually nothing to do with the drama that gets so much attention.
Cliff Note version: This women is a bitter and controlling bitch that throws a temper tantrum when she doesn't have her way and makes it off to be due to "sexism" and "Misogyny" in the workplace.

That about sum it up?

That'd work IF the CEO who made the comment this thread is discussing was a woman. Since he's a guy, I think you may have missed the mark a bit.
LOL, Reddit administration is so full of shit:
Neither Alexis nor I created reddit to be a bastion of free speech, but rather as a place where open and honest discussion can happen[...]
Previously on Forbes:
When asked what the Founding Fathers would have thought of reddit:
"A bastion of free speech on the World Wide Web? I bet they would like it[...]" - Alexis Ohanian
Which he later even said he was proud of:

But look at the latest censorship snafu... On the front page with 5000+ upvotes is this thread that gets removed:

Amazon, as a big sponsor of Reddit, apparently didn't take kindly to people shitting on their Prime Day (which did suck... felt more like a garage sale, discounts on cheap stuff you don't really want). That's not SJW censorship, that's just plain old cashing out.
Who's predassasors quiting was big news just the other day, hence my post

As I've already said, the present CEO (male) is continuing to support the policies of the previous CEO (female). It proves three things:

1. The company's overall direction remains consistent across the change in leadership.

2. Internet-based protesting over the prior CEO's policy including the supposedly huge going dark or whatever of people boycotting the site is pretty meaningless.

3. The resignation of the prior CEO has little to nothing to do with any activism on the Internet.

So no, no sexism, no silly sneaky stuff is going on that people wanna make into a scandal and there's really no point in getting upset about something as meaningless as a bunch of people just talking to one another about stupid stuff, immature stuff, or inflammatory stuff online not being able to do all of what they want. It's as meaningless as anything else happening online when compared to life in the physical world.
Just because we have freedom of speech doesn't mean I have to give you a stage and a microphone...

Good for Reddit. Abuse and trolling purely for the sake of abuse and trolling don't deserve a soapbox. If you want to make your own website to spout your hate, anger, and abuse, go right ahead - "community" forum users shouldn't have to be subject to it if they don't want to.
Just because we have freedom of speech doesn't mean I have to give you a stage and a microphone...

Good for Reddit. Abuse and trolling purely for the sake of abuse and trolling don't deserve a soapbox. If you want to make your own website to spout your hate, anger, and abuse, go right ahead - "community" forum users shouldn't have to be subject to it if they don't want to.

No it does not, and people don't need to go to Reddit's site if they don't like that. The same thing happened to Digg. If they want to go that route, people will go some place else to get their stage and mic.

It will turn into a much smaller community of like thinkers. If that is what you want, selective censoring is the way to go about it.
guys you do know there is subreddit for rape right that gives you a guide to it and supports you doing it! if that is on the site i can not even fathom what is darker on there
There is also a dark side, communities whose purpose is reprehensible, and we don’t have any obligation to support them. And we also believe that some communities currently on the platform should not be here at all.

Bye reddit, nice knowing you.
guys you do know there is subreddit for rape right that gives you a guide to it and supports you doing it! if that is on the site i can not even fathom what is darker on there

I don't think most people would have any issues with anything that are considered serious crime such as child porn and rape being banned.

I believe the problem is when they ban stuff like making fun of fat people or whatever it was called. It may not be politically correct, but there's a clear difference there between things that are not politically correct, and things that are actually a criminal offense.

Reddit did not thrive on being a place for people to encourage serious crime, but rather on the fact that it was an open message board in the sense that it doesn't attempt to tell you how you should behave, or to be politically correct. There was no regulations that said users cannot be abusive, sexist, racist, misogynist etc etc, and this was why it stood out.
I think we can figure out that the people that run it or give money to them will knock out groups that they would be part of if they had the traits that are being made fun of.