Redefining services with -local


Jan 24, 2005
Two separate bootup services of FAH running on one dual core rig.
(...\folding\FAH504-Console.exe -svcstart) Machine ID 1
(...\folding2\FAH504-Console.exe -svcstart) Machine ID 2

Everything seems work fine, but if -local is necessary, how do you redefine a service startup path? Nothing is editable in the service Properties menu.

(I don't want to see the console windows, that's why I'm doing it this way.)
I've never used local. I've been fine. The only thing I made sure to do was during the install tell it to start as a service, and then I assigned the cpu 1 and 2 and installed them in 2 different folders.

Yeah, that's exactly what I did, but in the console FAQ it mentions that under windows you must add -local so that the configuration is read from the local directory. It seems important under a windows environment so I'm assuming this is now a deprecated argument?

It's always the important things that I have problems with. Found a program that allows you to change svchost command-line invokes, but I'm not paying for something that's probably just a registry tweak. any one know anything about this?
You can go through the registry, I think it's located at HKLM\System\ControlSet001\Services\FAH@C.... and there is a key under there for image path. You can edit this and tack the -local on at the end.

Personally, I prefer to use this tool: as all you have to do is point it at the client, hit what options you want on, and update restart the service and you're good to go.
